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Tell her if she gets a mac you won't have to fix it.

That is my main reason for wanting to get a Mac for her; but not sure that would help convince her, since it helps me, not her!

Tell her you refuse to fix her computers problems unless it is Mac. If that doesn't work, remind her of all the scary viruses. ;)

That might be more convincing. Also thinking the multitouch is so much easier to use day to day. So what convinced your husband?

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I told him he would be cooler. :)

Now THAT might work! She is quickly arriving at mid-life crisis age (if women get that!) and I've been pointing out that whenever we go to a coffee shop or book store, all the cool young people seem to be carrying Macs now!

Really, I think it'll probably sell itself. I told her to go to BB, then pick up, hold, and use the MBP and MBA, then do the same with any PC that's there. She's got to live with it, so it's her choice, but I think like me, she'll see that it just makes sense. As stated here previously, seeing and handling the MBA or MBP makes you just want one. Thanks for the help!

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stayed up for the past 2 days studying for a test that was supposed to be taken at 5pm today. i misread the date on the syllabus...test is actually on the 19th :facepalm:

walked into class asking for the test. professor had no clue what i was talking about. he laughed and said i was losing my shit and that i should go home and sleep. which i am about to go do now.

didnt have lunch. it wasn't nice. about to pick up a 5 guys burger on the way home. pretty sure that will be nice.

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and pizza!

You are correct sir!

stayed up for the past 2 days studying for a test that was supposed to be taken at 5pm today. i misread the date on the syllabus...test is actually on the 19th :facepalm:

walked into class asking for the test. professor had no clue what i was talking about. he laughed and said i was losing my shit and that i should go home and sleep. which i am about to go do now.

didnt have lunch. it wasn't nice. about to pick up a 5 guys burger on the way home. pretty sure that will be nice.

Now you have 10 days to forget everything you have managed to cram into your brain. :)

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It's a dumb class that I only go to to take tests. Bleh. So tired icant even fall asleep. Watching deadliest roads on history channel. They talking about a road in India that my mom took every summer when she was working on her phd. She keeps yelling every 5 minutes saying omg we had tea at that very shop 30 years ago etc etc

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The census lady showed up at my door tonight. Took maybe 10 minutes, so now I've done my civic duty and have been 'counted' in Cayman.

Imagine the shocked look on her face when she got to the question, "How many radios do you have?" and I said, "Maybe 20." My interpretation was that "radio" meant any stereo system as perceived by the broader populous, so that would count all of my sources. I might have been overstating it a bit, but probably not that much. We were sitting out on the front porch, so I got up, opened the front door and said, "Take a peek at my headphones... the rest of the house is a lot like that, only it's speakers and such."

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Hmmmm, the last time I said "take a peek at my headphones" I got sued for sexual harassment.

Just returned from a Finance Council meeting and I would like the West Coast Legal Team to advise me on the guidelines for "justifiable homicide" and if unsuccessful, can they get me paroled in time for RMAF 2011?

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Worked out at 6AM. Left my work shoes at home, so had to quickly drive back. When closing the front door, I actually pulled the door knob off, and couldn't get it back on, so it's kinda propped in, but the house isn't locked, and I'm a bit freaked since the door likes to open up on it's own from time to time. I have a lunch meeting and groups until 7:30 tonight, so can't even venture out to buy a new one. This sucks.

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