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Polls are open At my assigned precinct and there is a long line, which is good in this precinct. I just hope it lasts. Go Giants!

I just left the polling place. There were only three other voters there and a couple of kids running around. Kinda sad.

Dan, why did your wife have to take a driving test? Hasn't she been driving for a long while? Some weird PA thing?

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Did a 6am spin class cuz that's how I roll. Went to work. Dealt with bullshit. Picked up my son at my parents' place. That was nice. Met my wife and voted. Jack accompanied 3 people voting today. Just like the good Irish-American he is--voting early and often.

Watched Boardwalk Empire, which I now quite like. Realized at some point today I bit my tongue rather hard and now it hurts like hell.

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Worked all day and will be working some more and staying at a hotel to avoid round trips home and back during trial. Anyway, I went to vote at City Hall at 7pm instead of driving all the way to my hood and back, but the line of people was so long that I easily could have gone home said hi the family, voted at my polling place at the PURE SHAO LIN KUNG FU school (I kid you not), and returned to the office in the same amount of time. Oh well, the people watching was worth it, plus they were setting up the grandstands and such for the Giants parade and rally. People were actually camping out overnight to be in the front row across the street. Here is what City Hall looks like in Orange November:




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Friday - Tourist thing in DC, had a quartet of some cool burgers, hung out with 2 good friends, ate Moroccan food. Did the Air and Space Museum, which I'd never done. I want to take my little boy there for a couple days. It's fantastic.[ATTACH=CONFIG]3849[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]3848[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]3847[/ATTACH]

Saturday - Up ass-early to get to the Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear. Since we're some of the brightest people in the world, we sent someone out before us so he could get a spot and we could sleep later. He got a good spot. Stood around for 9 hours. Saw some people talk (The Mythbusters, Stewart, Colbert, Father Guido Sarducci, Sam Waterston) and heard some people sing (The Roots + John Legend / Yusef Islam (The Artist Formerly Known as Cat Stevens) and Ozzy Osborne - Peace Train vs Crazy Train... yes, it was epic / The O'Jays doing Love Train / Kid Rock + Sheryl Crow / Jeff Tweedy + Mavis Staple / Jeff Tweedy + Stewart + Colbert). Maybe some others. Eddie Izzard was backstage. He was just walking around, someone spotted him in the crowd, got in touch with a producer via twitter, and they got him VIP. Fun.

With the Mythbusters, we did a few experiments. There were two seismologists on hand with a seismograph for this test. We had 215,000 people jump all at once. It registered "14 Trillion times less than the San Francisco earthquake of 1906. We tried it again and got it up to 100 times larger than a car crashing into a wall at 35mph. We're awesome.

One of the most amazing thing there to experience Mythbusters wise is what you couldn't hear on TV. They had different sounds for the audience to do. One was a "mouth pop". Just imagine 150,000 bubble wrap bubbles being popped at once, with the timing ever so slightly off. It was very subtle, and very very cool.

Met up with an amazing chick we knew from school and bummed around for about 2 hours, with one of them being an hour long train ride to meet up with her crew (she was about 211,000 people behind us at the mall). Oh yeah, did I tell you I was on TV for a split second? Yeah... 14.2 seconds of fame left in my queue. For dinner, Nebby, mypasswordis, and Dusty came out to meet me and a couple buddies for dinner. We had some really good Chinese and/or Mongolian food at some Chinese place which I forget the name of, but it was pretty good. That was the first time I'd met these 3 fine gentlemen (give or take), but it was good conversation, good food, and many long goodbyes, as we wound up riding trains out together (except Nebby... always trying to be different, that one). An amazing thing is that my seat was right by two open outlets, so I could charge my dead cell phones and camera batteries (btw, 200,000+ cell phones in a small area took all the networks' data down, everyone was fighting for signal, and batteries just died all over). Well, I THOUGHT I had pictures of our dinners + the HC crew, but... uhmmm... they're not on my machine. I'll have to track those down.

Wound up heading out around 10am for the drive home, got in around 7. I think I got 9 hours of sleep from Thursday morning until Sunday morning, and I've been pretty much passing out every chance I've gotten since then.

I gotta go find those dinner pix now...





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Giants victory parade day, and I have trial. Timing really sucks. When I left the hotel at 7:30, there were already many people lining Montgomery Street where the parade was starting, and when we drove to court at 8:45 down the main drag of the parade route on Market St it was like we were already in the parade so many people were jamming the sidewalks. At court, which is across the street from City Hall where the parade ended and the rally happened, there were cyclone fences with green material on the court side of street, which meant that nobody could see from that side could see into the square.

But when we tried to leave court at noon, the front doors of court were literally blocked by crowds of people because the green material was on the ground and the entire sidewalk in both directions was jammed. While standing there, one woman convinced the sherrifs to let her in because she was being crushed against the doors and looked like she was going to pass out. We could not get out except through the back door and the court staff would not guarantee that we could get back in.

We ended up back upstairs in the courtroom talking to the judge (after he spent some time in the hall looking down on the parade as it came in). The witness who had been on the stand claimed he didn’t want to continue in the pandamonium and the judge wasn’t sure what was going to happen with the crowds, so trial was canceled for the afternoon.

While we were waiting on the 3rd floor I had had a good view out onto the square. We were right above where the cars and fake cable cars came in with players on them, and then unloaded the so they could go into City Hall through a side entrance. I saw Cody Ross, Aaron Rowand, Freddie Sanchez, Panda Sandoval, Madison Bumgarner, Brian Wilson, Buster Posey and others. Manager Bruce Bochy with the WS trophy was in the lead convertible.

Getting out of there was hell, but it was fun to be in the thick of the event even if I couldn't participate the way I would have if trial hadn't been happening.

Here is the view from the courthouse window:


Edited by Voltron
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I just left the polling place. There were only three other voters there and a couple of kids running around. Kinda sad.
I walked in and out at my place in under 5 minutes, but I live in a little farm town
Dan, why did your wife have to take a driving test? Hasn't she been driving for a long while? Some weird PA thing?

Yup. She let her alaska license expire, so they required a driving test. That's almost impossible to schedule.

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From my HC dinner adventure on 10/30/10

Beef stir fry was a crowd favorite


This was liked a little less


This was eaten for the most part


Was this the duck? It was delicious


Kung-Pow - Enter the Sweet and Sour Chicken (into my belly)


MPI's noodle caboodle


Nebby and Dusty flanking the bar


MPI trying to avoid the brown dude with the camera


Your host for the evening, me, MD / Nebby / Dusty / MPI


You people who take pictures of food before eating it obviously hadn't been fighting 215,000 people in line for food tents/McDonald's/Metro/etc. I feel for you all.











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