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Damn. I actually feel quite happy now! It's been a while..

My friend invited me to his house for a proper sauna, jacuzzi and stuff. I brought all the food and wines, and we had a blast while cooking and enjoying the slow night.

My flu and bronchitis is cured now. Or should be.

Ok ok, maybe one moar whiskyses >;)

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Wow. Just...wow. You just blew my mind.

Um - surface area of Britain (England, Wales and Scotland added together) is 94,000 square miles. The USA is 3,718,000 sqare miles - so you could fit 40 Britains into the US. Texas alone is about three times that of Britain at 262,000 square miles. We're about the same surface area as many individual States (Wyoming, Nebraska, New York etc). Except we have 60,000,000 people crammed in.

If you take just England the comparison is even more extreme - England is a truly tichy 50,000 square miles, about the same size as Pennsylvania.

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Stay safe, Beefy. Even if it's weakened, it's still a storm, and cells within the storm can be extremely dangerous.

Things were actually OK. It was still a '1' hurricane when it hit, but damage was confined to fallen trees and huge amounts of leaves and household garbage. I was without power at home for 26 hours, and still without internet. Just checking on the safety of my cells at work now......

Thank *insert deity here* that it is a long weekend, and I can still get some weekend stuff done!

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The trip to Nicaragua was short (but I'll be going in November, have a week of vacation left for this year still!).

The best thing is that I managed to get hold of a couple of baby pics and other stuff that I haven't seen in years. I haven't seen baby pics of myself since we left Nicaragua in 1988 (and the few my mom carried with her were lost in a river crossing).

It's... impressionable, to say the least. My family is also not doing so well compared to my "lavish" lifestyle here. Main mission for next trip is to take a laptop and set up a Skype connection, and my brothers and I will be paying for the monthly net fee.

Grandpa is 96 years old, and though he gave us all quite the scare, a visit from his son (my father) did much to raise his spirits. He actually got better while we were all there.

I forgot how simple and humble life is for most people in Nicaragua.

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Slept in until 7ish, got up and went to the gym, came home and took a leisurely shower then actually took my time getting ready and met a friend for a nice lunch, feeling rather good about myself and how I looked compared to usual. I went running errands to few places afterward and just returned home to see that I'd been out and about with a nice smear of mustard across my cheek for a least the last two hours. So much for bothering with lipstick :palm:

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Got in a 3 mile run then a few hours in the office. Once home, I took out the pork shoulder to bring to room temp then began smoking. I made some NC style and Memphis style BBQ sauce for the pulled pork tonight.

Welcome back Alex.

Edited by tyrion
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