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I'm really sad that you had such a tough time winning through to fulfil your vision. From here on in it needs not only complete and utter focus, it also needs the cards to fall right.

You're preaching to the choir here. :D Past a certain level, talent is highly overrated and it's dedication and just plain luck that makes or breaks a musician's career. Thanks for the encouragement.

MPI, what would you choose to play for the non-compulsory pieces?

I don't know about for the other instruments, but for violin it is arguably the biggest international competition, a close second being the Queen Elisabeth. And speaking of Van Cliburn, I spent a long while watching the streaming vids of the Van Cliburn competition last year. Good stuff. I'm thinking Ysaye Ballade, Waxman Carmen Fantasy, and Prokofiev first concerto, and I need to pick out one more. For the compulsory but pieces I can somewhat choose from, probably Bach Chaconne, Paganini 15 and 17, Shostakovich sonata, and Mozart 5th concerto.

I'll hang up the necessary good luck symbol and take pics for you :)

Thanks! I'm not going to ask what the good luck symbol is, I just hope it's not a voodoo doll.

Congratulations MPI. More than for participating in the Tchaikovsky contest, for finding such a good teacher who is supporting and encouraging you. I've seen so many times true talent wasted for the envy, lack of intelligence and talent of bad teachers, that knowing there are still good ones, kind of reconciles me with the human kind.

I'm afraid I won't be able to watch it on TV, no channel here broadcasts those things, but if it's available online, I will.

I've dealt with so many crappy teachers and crappy situations it's not even funny. I'm halfway expecting something to dick me over sometime in the near future already. Seriously, so much of success in the music business is just based on luck. I'm pretty sure there will be online streaming. Just got back from another lesson and he invited me for a beer and dinner and we had another nice talk. What a great guy, I know he means the best for me.

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I was offered a blow job form a nearly toothless old lady who was begging on the side of the road near the WallMart on Hitt Road in Idaho Falls this afternoon. How's that for an opener?

At first, I didn't realize that she was trying to talk to me. Then when I saw her lips moving (but before I realized how hideous and truly disgusting she was to look at), I cracked the window on the passenger side door a bit, just to hear her out. She was holding a cardboard sign, although I didn't bother to read it. She said, "Sir, can you see it in your heart to give me $5..." and then she mumbled something else, I'm not sure exactly what.

I was kind of annoyed at that point because she had acted in a very animated way to get my attention to begin with, and I was thinking she was hurt or something was wrong, like an emergency. So as I was rolling my window back up, she smiled, showing the few teeth she still has left and said, rather loudly, "I'll give you a blow job for it!"

I just shook my head in disbelief and drove away. How sad her existence must be. She's probably mentally disturbed. Or at least she didn't seem quite right. I've tried my best to describe her to some other people who are from town here, but nobody seems to know who I'm talking about, so I don't think it's an every day occurrence. I'm sure someone will report it if she persists and the police will run her off. She must have been 75 years old or more, unless she's just had a really hard life and is in her 50's but strung out on something.

The more I think about it, the less funny it seems, and the sadder it gets.

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Damn I wish someone would have filmed that and stuck it on YouTube! Not that I wish you any pain, but the way you describe the story it had to be funny as hell to see.

Sorry for the delayed response, but check at around :30 of this video as it's a pretty damn good approximation:

Baseball Video Highlights & Clips | A kitten runs amock at the Seattle Kingdome - Video | MLB.com: Multimedia

Edited by The Monkey
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Had an appointment to have a mold made for an Arizona AFO brace for my ankle. Found out that even with insurance, it would cost about $1200, and was then told I should lose 20-30 lbs and increase my calf muscle as much as possible first. I'm not liking this middle-aged stuff much today.

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Dusty: How do you like AutoIt? I've skimmed over it once before, but software restrictions won't allow me to use it so I didn't bother researching too much.
Wouldn't have been my first choice -- I was over-ruled. That said, (a) it's pretty powerful; (B) there's definitely a lot of support out there (translation: libraries). Robustness is under-rated.
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Sorry to hear about that vicki.

For the 3rd time in 3 years, IBM has come to me at the end of the fiscal year saying I've worked too many hours, and that I need to take the last month off. Unfortunately, for the first time in 3 years, I might actually HAVE to take the month off. The guy who would go to bat for me in the past has been force-retired, and the new guy just sees contract line items, and not people. So I have to find a way to take 110 hours off in 5 weeks.

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Sorry to hear about your ankle, Vicki.

For the 3rd time in 3 years, IBM has come to me at the end of the fiscal year saying I've worked too many hours, and that I need to take the last month off. Unfortunately, for the first time in 3 years, I might actually HAVE to take the month off. The guy who would go to bat for me in the past has been force-retired, and the new guy just sees contract line items, and not people. So I have to find a way to take 110 hours off in 5 weeks.

I wish I had 110 hours of vacation time to spend, though I suspect that you won't have anyone doing your job for you during those 110 vacation hours, correct?

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Sorry to hear about your ankle, Vicki.

I wish I had 110 hours of vacation time to spend, though I suspect that you won't have anyone doing your job for you during those 110 vacation hours, correct?

Correct. Or, potentially, someone who would do it half assed. And it's not really vacation since...

Dan, sorry about the forced vacation. While a month off would be good, a month without pay would not.

My sentiments exactly. :)

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