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What did you do today?


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Career change? Wow. General mid-life crisis or specific issues?

I've always thought I would probably buy a Porsche and find a mistress when my crisis comes up.

A little of both. But the Porsche sure sounds like a good idea. The mistress likely would get me killed faster than the Porsche.

Back to acting?

Voiceovers, maybe.

he could play the dad in the toy ads now!

I was thinking porn.

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It is my understanding that the position is, indeed, open.

I took my mom to the hospital -- nothing major, planned follow-up visit, all appears to be going well (her eyes are pointing more or less in the same direction as they had been at the previous follow-up, which is exactly what we were (ahem) LOOKing for).

Just finished reading a couple technical papers. Now I feel cross-eyed. Cat bites not helping. Need to teach cat not to bite.

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You'll be happy you did Mike. :)

I'm sure I will. I just was hoping to wait for the end of the year to make the purchase. As it turns out, there may be a used 304 available which can be flashed with the same firmware in the Amarra 4. I will know later today.

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Dinny, I hope things work out for you.

Mike if you buy the LIO8 or ULN8 I would be very interested in your experiences setting up the unit to play tunes especially the various mio console templates you use. And if you connect your box to your turn table I would be interested in what settings you use. All in due time I guess

Edited by Augsburger
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Selling one of the kids might cover the Porsche.

Don't think that I haven't considered white slavery.

On a related note, daughter is working in a bar while waiting to join acting school. So today she has a day off, and fazed out with lack of sleep throws a buring hot cup of cocoa over herself. Side and thighs mostly. So much of today was spent with ice packs, cold baths, cold towels, ipuprofen and TLC. She was beside herself with pain to start (nothing is more painful than a scald), but fortunately the cold treatment meted out by her dad sorted things out - she is now fine, some remaining minor red patches, but nothing like the square foot of livid skin at midday.

Phew. Bit of an emotional ball breaker of a day for us both. We're now completely knackered.

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Yesterday would have been 9 years together with the wife and I. This morning I had her get her shit out of our apartment. She left a lot. Never really was that good at following directions.

I woke up this morning to my back still hurting worse than yesterday, but not horribly so (threw it out last Thursday). I puked up a little blood this morning. About to go pick the kids up and jointly tell them that Mommy isn't going to be coming home anymore.

Best day of my life.


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Shovel, gun, or bare hands? I find my murder fantasies to be much more cathartic when I use my bare hands.

I'm not really a bare hands kinda gal. Smashing heads with objects is the default fantasy. Usually when I'm in this mood, I don't have time to get creative. As I'm sadly well versed in office politics, I need to spend my mental and emotional energy acting responsibly and then passive-agressively dropping a word here or there in appropriate places and ears.

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