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Yeah, it's not too bad as hikes go, for a killer summit view. Definitely worth a shot if you don't mind a bit of huffing and puffing as you go up 3,000 vertical feet in only 3 miles. It's a ton easier than hiking to the top of Half Dome, with a much better view, and far fewer people on it to boot.

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Yeah, it's not too bad as hikes go, for a killer summit view. Definitely worth a shot if you don't mind a bit of huffing and puffing as you go up 3,000 vertical feet in only 3 miles. It's a ton easier than hiking to the top of Half Dome, with a much better view, and far fewer people on it to boot.

Awsome - could do with some of that scenery nearby. Nothing that big in the UK - the biggest hill is Ben Nevis at 4300 feet.

I did some thing more boring - leg 1 of the Ridgeway Relay. This is an 89 mile trail run in 10 legs of varying milage. Nominally 11.2 hilly miles for my leg, 'cept I got lost at around 8 miles and faffed slowly around for 2 extra miles finding out where the hell I was. Then had to put the afterburners on once I found the route to claw back a bit of time.

So totally knackered, and ended up last on my leg in a crappy time I'm not going to admit to.

The truly tough event is a trail race along the whole length called the Ridgeway Challenge. Won last year an a massive new record of 12h30m - working out at an average pace of 8m40s per mile. The guy looks like he has been out for a three mile trot and not an 89 mile trail run Picasa Web Albums - alan - Ridgeway Chal...

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Did you hike with someone else, or is that taken on your tripod with remote/self timer?


Self-timer. I wedged the camera between a couple of rocks, and secured the strap as best I could to another one. Success came, in spite of the 50mph wind.

Peter ... I gotta get out to your neck o' the woods sometime for one of those hikes. Great photos, and a nice end to the day with the Dead Guy and food.

Definitely. We know you have the party stamina, so let's see about your altitude stamina ;)

Great photos, Peter, and a lucky man you are to live near such beauty.

Don't I know it. It's really the primary reason why I've stuck around here for so long.

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How time flies ... Happy Birthday, Lily!

Oh, and Nate? Becky wants to dump me and marry you.

Heh. The party was great despite weather flown in from South Florida. It was hovering in the upper 80s with high humidity all day but thankfully we had 4, 10x10 tents to provide some shade in the back yard. The cake was a hit too, although the hot weather was not kind to the icing.


Peter, those pictures from the hike are outstanding. That's one of the things that I miss about living in Southern NH, there isn't much to hike nearby.

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A cool 96 degrees with only 45% humidity here. :)

Peter, that hike looks like a lot of fun. I do miss hills/mountains living in a city where the highest point is about 50ft above sea level.

Nice cake Nate!

Today has been rather nice for me - my first real break from work since I got back from CanJam. Went to the gym then sat by the rec pool on campus and read a book. Later tonight my husband and I are going to head downtown for a drink, dinner and then a play (Boeing Boeing).

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Jury duty. So far, lots of waiting around, but I would love to get on a jury. Sarasota County Courthouse is a nice old building, and it's right downtown in the middle of cafes, bars, and restaurants, so makes for a nice gig.

Hmmmmm, maybe if I took the earphones out, and stopped playing games on the iPad, they'd take me seriously, and let me serve? :)

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Those shots are excellent, Ironed Reamer. You should post some more in the photography thread. ;D

I have been battling these masked bandits:


Cute little bastards aren't they? They're not nearly so endearing when they chew a hole in to one's building, make a nest and produce epic quantities of shit. I've spent the last week patching holes and laying traps These two were the first that I captured. I thought I was lucky to catch two at once on my first go. The next three nights I didn't have any luck, but several sweeps of the building showed no new evidence of raccoons. I am thinking (hoping) they have split for good.

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Jury duty. So far, lots of waiting around, but I would love to get on a jury. Sarasota County Courthouse is a nice old building, and it's right downtown in the middle of cafes, bars, and restaurants, so makes for a nice gig.

Hmmmmm, maybe if I took the earphones out, and stopped playing games on the iPad, they'd take me seriously, and let me serve? :)

Did you make it onto a jury?

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Jury duty. So far, lots of waiting around, but I would love to get on a jury. Sarasota County Courthouse is a nice old building, and it's right downtown in the middle of cafes, bars, and restaurants, so makes for a nice gig.

Hmmmmm, maybe if I took the earphones out, and stopped playing games on the iPad, they'd take me seriously, and let me serve? :)

Did you wear the right T-Shirt (Political tshirts, global warming t-shirts) to get on / off the jury?

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This was yesterday, but we took a walk along the Presidio Habitats trail, which involves artsy animal habitats and installations in the already beautiful San Francisco Presidio. It was fun and the habitats were pretty cool.

The most apt for our little forum, involved robins' nests formed into metal frame letters:


And a couple more:




Explained here:


Screech owl habitats in blue and white china:



A multi-creature condo of sorts:



Giant Digger Bee pollen balls made of fiberglass or some such encased in wax and stamped with text:


A wooden fox den:


And lastly, a metal representation of a hawk's flight path:




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One more thing from yesterday. We had an early dinner at the Presidio Social Club, and Claire snapped an iPhone pic of me having a Planter's Cocktail while waiting for food. Her pink Pisco Punch is in the background.


We then ate picnic style because we had our dog and the patio was restricted to a piggy Sunday event with free pulled pork sliders and dollar beers. I wanted to hang there, but the kids really shouldn't drink beer in public.


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Yesterday - Got to work to find out I have a training that I need to attend that went till 8pm. I didn't know about it since the scheduling for it happened while I was away on paternity leave. Neither my wife and I were happy about it and I tried my best to get out of it to no avail.

This morning - installed iOS4 on my iPod touch and realized for certain that one of my external drives is kaput. Thankfully, there were nothing critical or irreplaceable in the drive but it is annoying regardless. Now I'm in a market for one of those hard drive docks but bit surprised to thus far find none with firewire.

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Did you make it onto a jury?

No ... didn't make the cut.

Did you wear the right T-Shirt (Political tshirts, global warming t-shirts) to get on / off the jury?

I was actually pretty conservatively dressed and well behaved. Was voire dire'd for a drug case, which was interesting, but not chosen. An interesting day, all around, and glad to have the experience.

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