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What did you do today?


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I'm in Connecticut somewhere, kind of roaming around aimlessly in the motorhome, heading in the general direction of Boston. Think I'll catch a Red Sox game tomorrow night if it's not too cold. Was in Queens yesterday and did a track day in my Atom at VIR a couple of days before that. Will be heading up to Maine by the end of the week, and then into New Brunswick.

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Met with HR, got set up at my work space, read a huge document on company policies, 5 minutes of IT training, was unable to log onto some stuff because other stuff wasn't set up yet, met people and talked to them, got oriented, went back to my apartment.

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Sweet Mr McManus! Nice to be able to travel leisurely without an itinerary. Enjoy your travels, where ever they may lead :)

Not so much what did I do today as more what's happened over the past week. My Kinesiologist has been on my case to get a physical and a complete blood work up. Last Tuesday went to the MD for a physical. Per usual we had our rocky discussion but physical proceeded without incident. Had blood drawn just before so had to wait for the results. Thursday comes and my lab results are posted. Mostly good. Cholesterol up a bit but at 282 lbs not unexpected. Unfortunately my PSA was 4.7. Of course neither doctor or nurse call. It's office staff whom with varying degrees of ineptitude cannot answer my questions. As I become more frustrated I begin to vent my wrath and ire on them ... to no avail ... they still can't answer my questions. Some one in the office took it upon themselves to set an ultrasound and biopsy appointment with the urologist. I'm sure they thought they were helpful but I still can't get a basic logical explanation as to why I should have this round of tests (lots of controversy regarding the usefulness of the PSA and of the resulting tests/treatments). Immediately chew on the unfortunate bearer of the news and force her to call to cancel the appointment while I'm on the phone with her.

Friday comes and the doctor has the nurse call. We have a long professional relationship and have a long discussion as to the wisdom or lack there of for the ultrasound/biopsy. I have a better understanding of the doctor's reasons but am left still questioning the wisdom of this advice. Have an appointment with the Kinesiologist who now has my blood work results as well as a detailed 30 day report of my diet. Basically he rips me a good one for my diet and lack of exercise. Proceeds to explain that he considers me a fool for questioning the tests recommended by the MD and we enter into an aggressive plan to counter the results of the PSA as well as a plan to improve my overall health. Go home licking my wounds and drinking large quantities of scotch (which the kinesiologist frowns on).

Saturday comes and I take my grandsons to the trailer and out to lunch at a local restaurant. Have a great time, get some work done and come home. My wife has a severe panic attack while out shopping and I have to go get her. Get her back to reality and back home. End the day watching "Blindside" (great movie).

Sunday arrives and we attend the dedication of our two youngest grandchildren. First time I've attended the church our oldest daughter attends. Nice mother's day spent with the family .

Finally decide to order the tests the doctor has recommended. Scheduled for the end of the month. Ask why I need transportation to/from the office and they tell me I can drive myself. Upon further questioning discover my doctor (who advised that this was necessary) is wrong again.:palm: And he wonders why I question everything. Odd as this sounds, I consider this good as it forces me to take responsibility for the decisions regarding my health care rather than relying on someone else's advise.

If the ultrasound/biopsy shows anything it will be very treatable. So back to my life of gluttony and debauchery.:rolleyes:

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Good luck on your medical test, aimless.

Big congrats to Bryan!!!!!

As for me, I woke up at 4AM for no known reason, got some work done, went to the gym, and now at 2:25 here in the office, I have finally caught up with last week's work. Yay!

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Proctored a 4 hour plus EOG and managed to teach two classes. Planning to buy materials to modify a sangria recipe to include some kind of caffeine for a graduation party, may make a youtube video playlist off of slow forum to play on the TV in the background. Congrats to Colin on his first day of work, aimless on his debauchery, and Bryan on staying in school. :)

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Looks like a really fun night.:) I'd have to see a tribute band nailing Pink Floyd to believe it, but I'm glad it still lives on in some way. Speaking of which, been thinking about getting tickets for Roger Waters's The Wall concert tour in the fall. Do you think it'll be worth it/a good one? Tickets aren't exactly cheap but I have to buy soon before they run out.

The Drummer in the Tribute Band says the following

"There is no event of artistic merit occurring on this planet that is more worth the time, effort and dollars than this. Tickets can be had for as little as $55 and anyone sitting up there will get as much out of it as those close to The Wall straining their necks from their overpriced seats."

So that's a yes. (and they just announced announced extra dates)

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