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The gentleman is misinformed. The wood in the pic is Wenge however.

Congrats on the job offers gents!

You guyr discussion peaked my interest so I learned from here:Gilmer Wood Company Species Page apparently Wenge can be called "Pallissandre". That said I don't think we should be making shit from critically endangered trees:Wenge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. That said African Pallisander apparently can also be known as Madagascar rosewood and is available here: http://www.hearnehardwoods.com/xcart/manufacturers.php?manufacturerid=147

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was there an envoy from the Imperial Maryland Fishmonger Patrol?

No, but the IMFP is also interested in the construction of a new garage for the FPV (Fishmonger Patrol Vehicle), so dependent upon their approval of the finished PRP (Parlour Room Project), they may be in touch as well.

You guyr discussion peaked my interest so I learned from here:Gilmer Wood Company Species Page apparently Wenge can be called "Pallissandre". That said I don't think we should be making shit from critically endangered trees:Wenge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. That said African Pallisander apparently can also be known as Madagascar rosewood and is available here: Hearne Hardwoods Internet Store! :: Species/Wood

The problem is that there really is no set in stone nomenclature. Some woods are called various names depending on where you are, and in many cases they're just misleading.

Wenge is not a slow growth wood, and therefor is now being farmed like many other endangered wood species. So it's not all bad.

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I was informed of numerous (i.e., additional) paperwork that I need to complete by next week for mentoring a prospective teacher. I'd be perfectly fine about them, except for the fact that the prospective teacher and I were informed of this required paperwork today, as opposed to few months ago when I started mentoring the said prospective teacher.

Then was reminded that I need to develop and have a professional development plan in writing for regulatory purposes.

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Took the day off since the President is scheduled to have a fund raiser at Gloria Stefan's house (she lives across the waterway) and I did not want to risk the traffic jam on the causeway's leading to Miami Beach. So I basically did nothing at all which in my book is a good thing. ;)

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^^^ It's Post-traumatic iPad Release Syndrome. The only known cure is to buy an iPad.

Me: Third (and Last day) as a single parent. This has really cut into my long-term whisk(e)y experiment.

Edited by morphsci
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so far today i've been nursing a pseudo-hangover. pseudo in that i didn't acquire it through drink, and it isn't responding to any of my normal remedies (salt, fat, starch, protein and advil).

brain tumor, maybe?

Could this have anything to do with the semi famous local artist?

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Me: Third (and Last day) as a single parent. This has really cut into my long-term whisk(e)y experiment.

This is me next week.

so far today i've been nursing a pseudo-hangover. pseudo in that i didn't acquire it through drink, and it isn't responding to any of my normal remedies (salt, fat, starch, protein and advil).

brain tumor, maybe?

Narcotics now.

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Thanks for the kind words, everyone. This was my last roll of the dice, it came out perfectly, and the effort to come to Canada was all worth it :)

congrats! are you going to celebrate with a whisk(e)y experiment?

Whiskey, beer, smack, hookers, I'm not picky :)

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