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What did you do today?


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I am taking off the week, and finally starting to fix up the house a bit. Ripped out about 75% of the dilapidated wood fence in the backyard, leaving behind perfectly fine chain-link fence. Started a war against the bamboo thats annexing the back fence line as well, and a limited skirmish with the bee population, going through 1.5 bottles of bee spray. Pretty sure I will be tapping the services of Roundup tomorrow. There will be blood. Or dead plants at least.

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ny is within driving distance of maryland, last time I checked

Well I guess it is, but it's still a bit of a drive, enough that I wouldn't really want to drive there and back in the same day unless need be. And I wouldn't really want to stay there overnight unless I could crash at someone's place.

I'll pick up the slack :)


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Well, I have a funny story about this "African Palisander". If you Google it, you'll find that no one sells it, and you'll see that many high end game boards use it. So, I called one of the big importer and chatted them about it, and they said that this wood comes from Congo and is also known as "Palisander du Congo". Anyways, according to the person I talked to, it's the same as Wenge. I sent them a few pics as well and they confirmed.

So, that begs the question, what sayeth Dr. Wood about these same pics of "African Palisander"?


The gentleman is misinformed. The wood in the pic is Wenge however.

Congrats on the job offers gents!

Edited by swt61
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Thanks all, I am extremely excited.

Congrats. Do tell.

It involves a move to NYC.

I'm assuming some sort of celebration is in order?

You, sir, are a wise man.

^ This.

What a way to steal a man's thunder(pants)...


Congrats, Brent!

Congrats, I hope the celebration includes a trip to see a certain red haired singer.

Or a visit from said red haired singer. ;)


But its moar sexy if I do correct you :)

A very wise man.

Congratulation on the jobs. Should I predict more participation in the "Post the last thing you bought!" thread?

It should, by all accounts.

Congrats! But it will be sad not living within driving distance from Colin anymore. For awhile, at least.

Only about 4.5 hours, or just take the bus.

Well I guess it is, but it's still a bit of a drive, enough that I wouldn't really want to drive there and back in the same day unless need be. And I wouldn't really want to stay there overnight unless I could crash at someone's place.


Right, because you don't know anyone living or soon to be living in that city. :P

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In Vegas at a security/antivirus conference. So far todays highlights include seeing a man swim laps at the MGM Grand pool using a small keg for flotation and three girls, nearly topless, running out of the CSI: The Experience ride.

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Congrats, Colin and Brent!

Yay us!

Congrats to everyone!



^ This.

Congrats Brent!


Congrats to both of you.


Congratulation on the jobs. Should I predict more participation in the "Post the last thing you bought!" thread?

What colin said... ;) To add to that, I wouldn't be surprised if there was more action in the "JHAudio Stuffs" thread. Just pointing out a little possible foreshadowing, as this position allows headphones ;)

Yay everyone!

Yay Monkey!

Thanks all, I am extremely excited.

Congrats, Brent!

You're welcome, and I'm almost as excited for you as I am for me.

Congrats, Colin!

Whoa! Missed your thunder Brent, today is one hell of a day. Congrats to both of you! :prettyprincess:

No problem, Scott. I understand things have to be spelled out for some people. ;) Thanks!

Ooh missed Brent! congrats man!


Grats Colin and Brent!


Congrats to both Cetoole and MD. Well done gents!

We try. It'll be nice to get back to work.

FWIW, I'm starting a new job... Colin's starting a career. Really proud of that kid. I've had the past 10 days off since my last job ended. Got lucky finding this one quick. I seriously don't know how I did over 900 days sans job/stay-at-home Dad.

Thanks for all the support.


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