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Got pulled off high priority job only to work on another high priority job. Is there ever such a thing as low priority?

yeah, getting several thou $$$ you're owed is apparently very, very low priority to everyone else

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Looks like my company is in for a bit of reorganization, in the 11th hour before the HP acquisition closes in a few days. I have wind of a bit of it, and I'm not pleased... :(

Ehhhh.... best of luck Marc.

At least Carly isn't still at HP.

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Drove to the center of town, paid $out_the_ass for a dump "transfer station" sticker.

Went to the %$#@& post office and picked up my %&$@ mail.

Received no explanation as to why they continued to hold my mail after Monday.

Got an email at 2PM from my tax accountant saying he had a 7PM cancellation, and could I meet him then to go over my tax info. Said yes.

Spent two hours sorting through paperwork to make sure I had the right info for the Vineyard, the mainland, and anything else that gives me at tax liability.

Received a cal from an idiot dancer I know asking me if I was going to be at the nightclub taking pictures on Saturday. Told her "politely" to bother me later.

Did not nap.

Drove to the tax accountant's house, went over numbers and forms with him for an hour.

Drove to mum's house, gave her some paperwork, and two prints of the house across the pond on MV. Got a bite to eat.

Went to 3 different grocery stores and one drug store. I was out of practically everything at the house.

Also received an iPod from Mr. DIY and a 50mm Nikkor from the mini-monkey.gif.

Finally got in the door half an hour ago. Still haven't eaten dinner, still need to email some renovation expense #s to the accountant, and put away (as in "off the damn table where I eat") several piles of paperwork.

That bottle of Talisker is finished tonight.

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hey, what about those thousands of dollars you owe me? you said you liked sdeutove, and i provided sdeutove. pay up.

get me my fucking 10k+ and ill pay up for all the sdeutove you got

i got shovels you got basement, seems like we can work something out

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Got one step closer to home ownership.... offer accepted.. now on to the paperwork.


Just remember, from this moment on you are the only one on your side. Your agent now has a vested interest in seeing the deal close. Be very picky about anything that comes up in the inspection process and push as hard as you can, everyone else will happily tell you whatever they think you want to hear to keep the ball rolling.

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Just remember, from this moment on you are the only one on your side. Your agent now has a vested interest in seeing the deal close. Be very picky about anything that comes up in the inspection process and push as hard as you can, everyone else will happily tell you whatever they think you want to hear to keep the ball rolling.


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Just remember, from this moment on you are the only one on your side. Your agent now has a vested interest in seeing the deal close. Be very picky about anything that comes up in the inspection process and push as hard as you can, everyone else will happily tell you whatever they think you want to hear to keep the ball rolling.

and don't let anyone talk you out of the inspection. And get an inspector recommendation from people other than your realtor.

^^This and this (but especially the congrats and really, really sorry about your wallet). Also if you know anyone in the construction business take them along as they can help spot things you may not have even thought about.

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I let my realtor talk me out of an inspection on my current house (because we were offering significantly less than what it was listed for), and I've been driven crazy by the stupid shit about this place ever since.

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Yeah our house is currently pretty much "done". I redid the weatherstripping on the front door and mulched the beds so now I'm all set. I even figured out that the only problem with the back screen door that has been driving me nuts for years was that the lock mechanism needed lubing. It's a very nice feeling to have nothing on my list other than touch up painting which I just keep putting off because I don't really care.

Had friends over last night for burgers in the back yard. It was sweet.

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