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What did you do today?


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Unfortunately today was technically the same day for me as yesterday and it is still going.

I'm still just under 24hrs so I haven't hit the fucked-on-your-feet brick wall yet :S



I just finished yet another grant application, and am finally getting to practice the presentation for my upcoming conference. I hate being this rushed and disorganised for public speaking :(

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Spent most of the morning going over mistakes that were made by others, as well as doing some assessments with students. Unfortunately, some of the mistakes were made by those that are no longer working at the school, so there's been no teaching of how to fish.

Also made an appointment with a local audiologist.

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Attended a 3 hour meeting and worked on group scheduling.... back into it in about 40 minutes for another 2.5 hours. FML


Found out that my co-worker has bronchitis and since I've been feeling unwell for a while decided to go and see if I did to and guess what: I do :(


Also made an appointment with a local audiologist.


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My 2 week old car after I attempted to swerve out of the way of an older lady who pulled out of a parking lot in front of me. She did say she was sorry that she didn't see me.:palm:

Makes my day whining about having to go back to work after vacation sound a lot more attractive.

Hmmm, whilst walking back from FourBucks this evening, I saw two cars sideswipe each other. They were civilized enough to pull off instead of chasing each other a few laps around downtown. Maybe it's just the back-from-vacation cynicism, but I found that surprising. (I guess technically speaking, one driver was doing the sideswiping and the other was minding his/her own business.)

You just got back from vacation, too, right?

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Spent an excellent evening last night with our own EdipisReks. The Thiels sounded great, the whiskey was smooth, the beer delicious and the conversation insightful. Thanks Jacob.

Of course the shovel blow to the head at the end was a surprise but I was protected by the alcohol and avoided the cellar.

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After much squinting at tiny, poorly printed kanji, dictionary and google searching, and lots of headscratching, I finally finished ripping and tagging all of my Japanese import CDs. Now to finish ripping the rest of my CDs, plus go back and clean-up a lot of the tags on the ones I've already ripped over the last few years. Sometimes I really hate CDs. :palm:

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Did the first school ALT lesson of the year...arrived to find they had no useful materials for the lesson plan and improvised the entire lesson instead, then repeated it three more times. Afternoon lessons were at a daycare run out of owner's house, where the kids are beyond excellent and had me (and them) laughing uncontrollably at their silly rendition of subject material (reviewing basic greetings) which is normally extremely boring.

HF-2 baby is now trying to walk, a little.

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Went to one of the most boring CLE conferences yet to be offered. Rushed home to get the Little Monkey. Cleaning lady decided to "Self Clean" the oven at 5:30 pm so we walked into an apartment full of fumes. Little Monkey had a little accident (in underpants for the first time). Not so bad, and he handled it well, but Mrs. Monkey called in the middle of the clean up--and got miffed when I told her now was not the best time to discuss plans for next week:palm:. Ordered food. Little Monkey refused to eat most of what he demanded.

The good: God bless my sis-in-law who just got back from Scotland. She brought back scotch and a Glencairn glass for me. Sis-in-law FTW!

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