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Tame compared to the "HIV parties".

Parties people organize for the sole purpose of spreading HIV. Where people voluntarily want to contract HIV.

Last year I was invited by the BBC to investigate the existence of

Tame compared to the "HIV parties".

A long time ago they used to have chicken pox parties, where if one kid in a community got the pox then all the other parents would bring their kids over so that they'd also get infected. Basically, it served as a way of immunizing people against chicken pox, getting the pox as kids was a bit of a pain, but it sure as hell beats getting it as an adult and dropping dead. Children had much better survival rates than adults so you might as well get it as a kid and be immunized for life that way.


A long time ago they used to have chicken pox parties, where if one kid in a community got the pox then all the other parents would bring their kids over so that they'd also get infected. Basically, it served as a way of immunizing people against chicken pox, getting the pox as kids was a bit of a pain, but it sure as hell beats getting it as an adult and dropping dead. Children had much better survival rates than adults so you might as well get it as a kid and be immunized for life that way.

Yup I know about the chicken pox ones.


I kinda like the idea of head-case cuddle party. Perhaps I sandwich between boomana and maybe contrastique, the rest of you can form whatever configuration/chain after that.

(the education/enlightment I derive from this site is invaluable -- seriously my favorite thread on the 'net right now is the Off Topic thread here. For those who are uninitiated, start from page 1, and be prepared to truly marvel at mysteries of humanity)


BMcB, this is not right, can you at least crop out my daughter's photo from your post? she'll stumble on this thread in the distant future...and she'll think...my dad...is such a.... _________


BMcB, this is not right, can you at least crop out my daughter's photo from your post? she'll stumble on this thread in the distant future...and she'll think...my dad...is such a.... _________

lol. Better hide the post JimP ;).

I agree with boomana. Who would've thought... Didn't know about the chicken pox one though


Cuddle-parties...yeah...heard about them a while ago. Pretty sad there's actually a "need" for these kind of things. I understand the point of cuddling but that you have to swerve to people you don't know to get cuddled/ cuddle is really very sad. Not pathetic but sad.

The chicken pox thing does make sense though in its own weird sounding way.

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