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Just a real bitch to get the balance right and no space to be creative. Perhaps a roll off smeggypore will be the rescue here?? It kicked serious arse for the bass lite HP3 ..dB

edit - looking forward to getting the time to try a woodied cup

Have you had a chance to mod the YH-100?

Congratulations! Did you buy them from you know who? ;)

Nope :D

Have you had a chance to mod the YH-100?

OH yeah - stripped most of the screws on the 20th odd time I opened them ( not to discourage you :D ) I had the luxury of having the YH1000 and a secomd YH100 at the same time and modded one until I came to what was the closest th the YH1000 that I believed could be achieved. ( and then later in a rash moment, changed it out again :palm: ) The balance is in the bass - they flip from deep resonant bass to tight arse when you wave some silk in front of them. It is not a bad thing but the bass seems to lose weight and although tight and fast as hell, just loses that depth I need. This is how I have left them and what the folk in CO got to listen to. It still sounds very good but I know it can be better. As wualta and ericj have pointed out - a fine line between frustration and happiness. ( just ask ludoo ) I have never done the full tomek mod and perhaps thta is where I should have started and it would not be a bad place for you to start..dB

OH yeah - stripped most of the screws on the 20th odd time I opened them ( not to discourage you :D ) I had the luxury of having the YH1000 and a secomd YH100 at the same time and modded one until I came to what was the closest th the YH1000 that I believed could be achieved. ( and then later in a rash moment, changed it out again :palm: )

I'm very careful with my screws, and if you mean the flower grooves on the screwheads, then mine barely have any wear on them after many openings. Id be most worries about stripping the screw holes in the cups!

You dont happen to remember that scheme you mention that you rashly changed out?


Yeah, it was basically what I sent you - I added a little more damping in and killed some of the bass. It is the screw holes that I stripped - I was just squeezing too much padding into that shallow cup.

The OTT mod made for an exceptionally smooth sound but there is no return



Any news on YH-100? Anyone did anything special to their set?

I haven't modded mine yet. I see a lot of potential in these drivers, which kills me to see them selling for so much since I would love to hear them in a bigger enclosure like Steve's Beyers.

Yeah, how does making the YH100 open affect sound besides making it smooth? It seems like you can still stand to listen to closed-backs with vents, eg the patented SmeggyPuck.

yes the pucks are the only ones that my MP3 can drive with any SQ, so they get more use than any other ortho.

The open back increase the headstage, allow for a very smooth response - a bit like the linearity of the modded T50RPmkII BUT with the yamaha vocals.

I too am curious how these will sound in a custom housing ..dB

EDIT: I modded these for yogi and he prefers stock - i don't , so it comes down to personal preferences at the end of the day


Those changes in sound make sense since the back wave won't just bounce right back into the ear after having been messed with by the cups. I think I would definitely prefer the sound after your mod and really need to get around to venting my T40. I don't want to try drilling a bunch of holes through the cups just yet. :P My T50RP is in a better place now so I can't try it on that, and the T20v2 is already vented.

A better enclosure would also definitely help, but I don't have the means for that to happen.

any of you monkeys tried an M3 with orthos?

Are you buying Vaughn's M^3? You have Beta22, DynaFet though :(

If you back out I'm second in line I guess :D

edit: this isn't helping my chances any- but the M^3 is a great amp. It was one of my very first SS amps.


I liked the RP18 out of the M^3 for what it was, even in its modding infancy. Let's just say that if the M^3 works as much magic on orthos as dynamics, you're in for a treat. :)


I can't afford it yet anyway, but I can dream...

After shelling out for the dynafets and Pico Dac I'll be short for a couple of weeks and I doubt he'd want to wait that long.

  • 2 weeks later...

good ol f2d - saw this the other day in a link and cracked up, wonder if the seller has even checked his listing , who knows - may get even more attention as a result. :D ..dB

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