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Two big fit and comfort issues that will never be resolved without modding the LCD-2.

1. Leather Ear pads = sweaty nasty in warmer weather

2. Open foam headband pad will deteriorate/shred over time. Seriously? Could some form of cloth/vinyl/leather material not have been used to cover the headband?

Not arguing at all Ed, but for clarification the foam headband is now felt covered, that's why the ones at CJ looked different from the one Don posted pics of.

If the HE6 sounded better to you, then by all means you bought the right one. I do sometimes think people assume we all hear the same, and that's just not the case.

For me the LCD-2 sounded fantastic, probably the best headphone I've heard, and I found them pretty comfy too.


I have to say that, to my ears, the LCD2 produces the sound that I have been looking for in a headphone. Perfectly balanced, shockingly neutral / natural and were not uncomfortable for the time that I had them. ( I even liked the stock cable ) , I have not heard the HE6 but am hoping to have this opportunity through the loaner program that Fang/Aaron is setting up. I am honestly not biased against Head Direct's product , I just didn't like the imbalance of the HE5.

I am however biased by driver technology and they are not equal. I have been privileged to have seen the LCD2 ( up close and personal as it were ) and it is just friggin amazing what Audez'e have done - it makes the SS100 looks like a tramp.


The traces are tight and it has an ingenious "trick" which enables the driver to have 3mm excursion while still being tight. I believe that this is why it sounds like it does - dense traces with high power magnets and decent excursion enabling very fast response and the ability to move a big surface of air to rumble that bass. I have opened the HE5 and comparatively the engineering is akin to a beetle vs porsche. The glimpse I have had of the HE6 driver looked an awful lot like the HE5 , the gold plating may well have significant sonic benefit and I am open to giving them a fair chance.

and now no more until I have actually heard a pair..dB


A tramp! the Fostex/Sansui diaphragm is its still a beauty! :P.

Audeze has done a marvelous job on their driver though. I am running it air damped as we speak...(i dont reccomend other users try it so...remember I am nuts, and certain mods might invalidate your warranty), and its still in more control than any stock ortho I know.


According to the LCD-2 thread on Head-Fi, photos of the LCD-2 driver are a well kept secret. Any ideas why? Surely the above photos alone aren't even remotely helpful to the competition......


Just finished a Double Bypass at Heart Attack Grill. It's already more dificult to breath let alone type this post. Or it could be because it's 108 F outside. I`ll post pics in the What are you eating thread after I get back and wash the grease off of my camera.


Just finished a Double Bypass at Heart Attack Grill. It's already more dificult to breath let alone type this post. Or it could be because it's 108 F outside. I`ll post pics in the What are you eating thread after I get back and wash the grease off of my camera.


Did you get a heart check from one of the nurses? :cool:


The outfits are a lot more conservative than the pics on Yelp, I guess they changed them. Plus, I was with my wife and daughter. But I did get my blood pressure checked at the machine nearby. LOL. Greasiest burger I've ever had. I probably could've eaten a Triple Bypass, but that would've destroyed me.

The experience was definitely worth it more than the food itself. But at least there was no waiting in line.



Comments on the Lard Fries (we don't need no stinkin' Duck Fat) ?

And the mirrors? ;)

The lard fries were meh. They were very much like In n Out fries in size, and consistency, but less crispy and less flavor. Duck Fat fries >>> Lard Fries. Here's how'd I'd rate fries.

Duck Fat Fries > Five Guys Fries > In N Out Fries > Heart Attack Grill Lard Fries.

My wife didn't really care for the food, she liked the fun themed environment, my daughter loved it too, especially wearing hospital gowns. My wife did really like the margherita drink, it was really strong, in fact she's still got a buzz going, LOL.

I didn't notice any mirrors for upskirt looks. I think all the racey stuff was at the other Heart Attack Grill near Tempe that was closed. It was apparently right between a big hospital, college, and strip clubs. So it makes a lot of sense now. This one is in a suburban area.


Smeggy, ever think of selling modded orthos? You could probably charge a hefty sum since it's wood and you're the first in the world to make a woody T50RP :D

No wai!!

If I did that people would start wanting value for money, prompt service, good workmanship, repairs, warranty service and all that other balls. I can get away with all that as a shitty hobbyist :P


It took only a year for this idea to become a destroyer of worlds. Cool.

I'm rehousing my T50rp in PVC pipe end caps. Some black satin spray-paint should un-welfare them nicely.

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