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  • 4 weeks later...

That's a nicely written review, and I do agree with your comments about top end extension. Doubling the modules, i.e. balanced, seems to cure that minor defect, and I find while playing around with all the modules with my convertable that the culprit is the Intersil HA-5002 buffer, which is not as transparent an output stage as one might want at this level of performance. It technically cannot be biased particularly far into class A, meaning that most of it's output range when single ended is switching. As a balanced module, the current delivery for each buffer is halved, and it is therefore relatively biased twice as far into Class A.

I suggest you test your different headphones again, as I suspect you will find that the module will be happiest with a higher impedence headphone such as the HD-650, as I think you'll find the module is happier the more voltage and less current it is delivering. I can imagine the Grado's exhibit the most lackluster preformance, and I'd be interested in your take on that.


That's a nicely written review, and I do agree with your comments about top end extension. Doubling the modules, i.e. balanced, seems to cure that minor defect, and I find while playing around with all the modules with my convertable that the culprit is the Intersil HA-5002 buffer, which is not as transparent an output stage as one might want at this level of performance. It technically cannot be biased particularly far into class A, meaning that most of it's output range when single ended is switching. As a balanced module, the current delivery for each buffer is halved, and it is therefore relatively biased twice as far into Class A.

I suggest you test your different headphones again, as I suspect you will find that the module will be happiest with a higher impedence headphone such as the HD-650, as I think you'll find the module is happier the more voltage and less current it is delivering. I can imagine the Grado's exhibit the most lackluster preformance, and I'd be interested in your take on that.

Thank you for your comments and your time for reading, I appreciate it. In fact, if you read a bit further, I mention that the sound with the senns was easily superior to the sound with the grados, and that i suspected it was a current issue. With the senn 600's the sound was very beautiful, and I made sure to comment on that pairing.


Thank you for your comments and your time for reading, I appreciate it. In fact, if you read a bit further, I mention that the sound with the senns was easily superior to the sound with the grados, and that i suspected it was a current issue. With the senn 600's the sound was very beautiful, and I made sure to comment on that pairing.

It's also worth remember that Tyll doesn't really like Grados ;) so its no surprise that their amps are better with Senns


It's also worth remember that Tyll doesn't really like Grados ;) so its no surprise that their amps are better with Senns

Tyll's favourite can is the K701 now, which didn't exist when they designed these modules. The K701 is as current/output stage dependent, if not even more so, than Grado's...


Yeah I gather there will be new products in the mobile line next year, but I wouldn't expect many changes to the desktop, home or max lines anytime soon.


I've had only the total airhead from headroom , and returned it because wasn't capable of driving hd650 (imhumbleo).

but other then this I definitely loved that little amp , it was snappy , involving lightweight easy to carry , and not lifeless at all .

A lot of headphone listeners can be divided into 2 categories, bass heads and airheads. Bass heads strive for deep hard-hitting bass whereas airheads strive for transparency, shimmering airy highs and an enveloping sound that features ambience and space. I lean a bit more towards the airhead side of things but not too much because I also enjoy some bass-head tendencies


there's also the ps-1heads

great bass and great air

not worth to mention maybe but no joke either


Oh, really. Where are you getting your information?

I'm not getting my information from anywhere just seemed like a safe assumption since you are reworking the mobile line in the next year or two that you wouldn't get around to upgrading the current products in the more expensive lines until after that. If you do have new modules or other upgrades to the higher priced lines then thats certainly good news. As we like new toys :dance:

P.S. - Any word on that rumored 300b based amp? ;)


Oh, really. Where are you getting your information?

I can't wait 2006 Version of the Headroom Max... >:D I like new toys...

No way. Our amps have never been "tweaked" for any one headphone at all. Anytime we make a change it's because we've found something technically better.

Woah now... being tuned with a specfic sound/presentation style in mind isn't a bad thing... Also given the release of the 8397, it seems to be that it can and already has influenced amp desisn/implementation...


The only question is whether i spill the beans on the new headroom 2006 module, or let Tyll do the

introductions... " **** are a girls best friends"

Aw... that wouldn't be nice now, would it?

[me=darkless]sends PM to KG >:D *[/me]


I really liked the Headroom Desktop when I heard it at the meet -- it's amazing all the upgrades you can get for it.

I'm curious about the external powersupply. It can run 6 different amps? Why would you need that? Would it be possible to make a less expensive version that, say, only powers one?

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