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How secure are Google Docs and Google Apps?

We're looking into document sharing here at my day job and someone mentioned google docs. Thing is, these are fairly sensitive documents with confidential information.

Is this secure enough or no. Anyone else's company share docs this way?

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How secure are Google Docs and Google Apps?

We're looking into document sharing here at my day job and someone mentioned google docs. Thing is, these are fairly sensitive documents with confidential information.

Is this secure enough or no. Anyone else's company share docs this way?

If it's something you'd be willing to email using googlemail, it's probably secure enough. If not, I'd say don't do it :)

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No, this is a document sharing project we're setting up. So this information has not been e-mailed before, of course we do regularly e-mail information of this type via our own internal e-mail addresses.

Apparently sharing drives/documents between two departments here is a bit of a technical issue.

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I would probably advise against it. The IT staff here specifically mentioned not to use GDocs or Gmail for sharing sensitive info. In fact the patient software is so paranoid it doesn't even allow access to the clipboard. And our email client is built into the same software.

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If the documents are sensitive that it will hurt your reputation, be illegal or impact your earnings if the documents fell into the wrong hands I would not use Google Apps.

But you should also take into consideration how secure the access to the documents are today. If they are available from anywhere with a static password (like Google Apps), they might be just as safe with Google.

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