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Hi everyone. This is a long shot but maybe someone will be able to steer me in the right direction.

I'm trying to make (or buy) a retrofit that lets me connect my David Clark (general aviation style) headset to our helicopter which accepts a military helmet. The jack on the helicopter is a 5 pole U-385/U (TJ-105 or M641/22-01) socket. It accepts a U-384/U (TP-105, M642/14-01) plug. The headset has a PJ-055B headphone plug and a PJ-068 mic plug. Pictures of those plugs can be found here: http://www.flyingshop.com/acrobat/Connectors.pdf.

I haven't been able to dig up any information on what the helicopter outputs, but the David clark H10-20 specifications are readily available on the web.

Does anyone know of a converter or does anyone know what the specifications are for the helmet's mic and headphones so I can build a converter?

Thank you!

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