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Yes, and be prepared for a vast upgrade in fidelity over the dt880's.


Yes sure, Grados are more fun-phones than the DT880 or K701. They make a nice couple, being the exact opposite in some respects (got a pair of MS1 and K701 myself).


hey there need to be treble heads too :angel:

That's like fixing a loud muffler on a muscle car by getting a chrysler k car

Well, he did use the sadcat smiley so it would at least appear as though he's not happy with his choice...


I think the concept of "dark" vs "fuzzy" needs to be elaborated and clarified further to get a better sense of what people are referring too. I will use the RS-1's as an example. Most users find the highs to be slightly forward, even etched, where it gives the overall sound balance a "brighter" perspective. However, the fullness of the mids and the upper bass gives the overall sound a "fuzziness", sometimes I call it a dirty or "mushy" sound, which others could describe as dark. Dark would be more in line with the senn 650's I think, even though I can see where someone would say a grado is dark especially if they use flat pads and it has a more full bodied presentation. Compared to the Dt880's however, which to my ears have a very shrill, thin, super etched presentation, the grados are definitely "darker" than them.


I think the concept of "dark" vs "fuzzy" needs to be elaborated and clarified further to get a better sense of what people are referring too. I will use the RS-1's as an example. Most users find the highs to be slightly forward, even etched, where it gives the overall sound balance a "brighter" perspective. However, the fullness of the mids and the upper bass gives the overall sound a "fuzziness", sometimes I call it a dirty or "mushy" sound, which others could describe as dark. Dark would be more in line with the senn 650's I think, even though I can see where someone would say a grado is dark especially if they use flat pads and it has a more full bodied presentation. Compared to the Dt880's however, which to my ears have a very shrill, thin, super etched presentation, the grados are definitely "darker" than them.

The Reference Grados sure do have nice resolution treble, but the volume of the mids and bass is just so much more than the treble; thats why I call them dark (or warm if you want). My beloved K701s are just the other way round: They do have a very clean and deep bass, but since the treble is more accentuated the phones can sound like they totally lack bass for some people.

It's all a matter of what you are used to and what you set as your personal reference.

fuzzy = musical and fun. Engaging. PRaT. Gets music "right" instead of perfect.

That's probably a short way to say it.


My beloved K701s are just the other way round: They do have a very clean and deep bass, but since the treble is more accentuated the phones can sound like they totally lack bass for some people.

Nah, I think the K701 actually do do lack bass. ;D


Fuzzy is a dumb made up term. You be talking about warmth. :P

The problem as I see it is dark mids vs. dark highs.


The "fuzz" was created by the one and only goredwings19. So shut your mouth and know your place foo.


I stand corrected - "I'm dumb" - as in the contractual version of - "I am dumb"

Hahaha nice edit!

Note to self:

Don't mess with someone who has message editing abilities.

Confucious says..."one who messes with mod hits himself in eye with fly swatter"

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