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I just cannot see being upset by such a thing. It might make viewing a little more work but people over there are claiming that there will be a mass exodus if Jude doesn't change it back. Give me a break.

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Am I the only one not bothered by the change? Seems pretty fricken benign to me although I can see why it would affect some more than others.

No it doesn't really bother me either.


The hindrance is related to screen size/rez. Bigger monitors will have no problems, many of us with smaller screens makes navigation and reading a lot more mouswork. Oh well, it's his site and he can do whatever he wants with it. I'll just stay away because the site is now impractical on my machine.


It doesn't bother me, because I hardly use Head-Fi. :P

Two years ago, I was still viewing Head-Fi at 1024x768. It was difficult to navigate at that resolution. I went to 1280x1024 shortly thereafter, and it became much more usable (the layout at least, the content continued to decline.) I went dual head a while back, which is handy for putting two web pages opposite each other for quick comparisons. None of this has improved the signal-to-noise ratio on HF.

Lastly, the Great Crash of 2007 fucked up all Head-Fi bookmarks, and I swear the search function still haven't recovered. Anyone seen that massive Sennheiser replacement cable roundup thread? >:(


Well, I can no longer visit the -fi on my Motorola Q when I'm on the go, which was a majority of the time I actually spent there. So I guess until Can Jam is done and things go back to the way they were, I'm done. I definitely won't continue to scroll right for every thread I click in. As if browsing on a mobile device wasn't hard enough...


I said fuck it and went ahead and installed the Remove It Permanently extension for Firefox.

Could Jude possibly be anymore blatant than this?


I said fuck it and went ahead and installed the Remove It Permanently extension for Firefox.

Could Jude possibly be anymore blatant than this?

I've been looking forever for an extension like that. No more sponsors. :dance:


I was a big safari fan, but since switching to minefield, i have tried a few times, and can't switch back, I'm too used to the stuff I like about minefield (command 1/2/3/4 for tab selection, mostly)


Firefox is pretty good for PC. Lots of nice extensions for all the crap I want to avoid out on the webz.

Haven't had a Mac since the OS9 days so never tried safari.


Too bad I don't like Firefox all that much for Mac.

I immediately installed FireFox once I got a Mac, since I've used it for years on PC. It seems to crash at least once a day, especially opening pages with embedded videos :sadcat:

I'll go to Safari if there's add-ons that let me do gestures to open links in new tabs (foreground or background), and also saves tabs when closing/crashing. Does it offer these features?

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