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talking about Siri, I can't really think of a situation where it would be really useful to me. Having said that, I said the same thing about the iPad and I continue to be thrilled with it. Apple has a way of creating new needs and then filling those needs immediately.

Having said that, Facetime hasn't exactly revolutionized mobile communications.


The news story I heard tonight makes me wonder if the 5 will be coming out soon enough to wait. Anybody have any insight?

Also, Siri is supposed to DO things for you like change the calendar entry re: X or buy me airline tickets to Denver next Thursday, not just Google it for you. Curious how it will work IRL.


Never regretted taking the "intermediate" step from the 3G to the 3GS, it was just a far better device. Gap between 4 and 4S seems quite a bit narrower on paper and upgrading immediately something of an indulgence -- which I hereby grant thee, Sir Stretch.


The news story I heard tonight makes me wonder if the 5 will be coming out soon enough to wait. Anybody have any insight?

Also, Siri is supposed to DO things for you like change the calendar entry re: X or buy me airline tickets to Denver next Thursday, not just Google it for you. Curious how it will work IRL.

Hello, Siri here - how may I help you.... ??



my thoughts exactly. i figure that the 4S announcement was so late because they were waiting to try to get the 5 ready, and eventually just had to release the back up plan.

Don't think so. If you look at the extraordinarily protracted (in the mobile context) continuing market relevance of the 3GS, you can see the method in Apple's madness. In two years or so, the 4S will similarly be the bread-and-butter free(ish) phone and the minimum spec device capable of running iOS8 (or thereabouts). Jumping straight to a new whizz-bang form factor in the 5 would have picked their own pocket in the long run. And in the short run, they can now use LTE as a differentiator for the 5 when those chipsets mature enough to get halfway decent battery life.

Posted (edited)

Stupid Apple/ATT website can't handle the volume of orders and it keeps timing out when checking our ATT account for eligibility.

I got into ATT after a few tries, but they couldn't process the upgrade, and now their site is down and Apple has given up taking orders online.

The only reason this bugs me so much is that I HATE FRICKIN' STANDING IN LINE AT THE STORE FOR 12 HOURS WHEN PRE-ORDERS DON'T WORK. There, that feels better.

Latest - so Apple is now making these pre-orders a reservation with a confirmation number to hold your place in line, and then will send an email when they are ready to verify your eligibility with AT&T.



Your iPhone has been reserved.

Your reservation number is: 3712XXXXXXXX

  • We will email you at XXXXXXX
    when it's time to complete your order.

  • At that time, you can link back to the Apple Store to confirm eligibility and your iPhone voice, data and messaging plans.

  • You can then place your order, and your new iPhone will be shipped to your door.

You may check the status of your reservation at any time by visiting
Edited by HeadphoneAddict
Success for one of the two iPhone 4s that we wanted (after almost 2 hours) of trying to get past the web site errors. Went for the 64Gb with the Applecare+, and now time for some sleep.

For a product that's such a "disappointment", an awful lot of people seem to be desperately trying to pre-order one. Or two. :)


well, i think it's time to join the smartphone wagon. goodbye motorola RAZR 2006 model. i'd like to wait for an LTE capable phone, but in bumfuck small town virginia its probably going to be a few years until we get LTE anyway.

so now the question is

16, 32, or 64gb? let's say i upgraded in 2 years, so don't want to pay for excess capacity

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