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Well, setting up the iPhone 4 as a fresh new phone and not using a backup to install everything fixed it - the phone is working perfectly with great battery life. With 4.2 hours standby and 30 minutes of use I am at 96%, but yesterday I would have been below 70% with that kind of usage.


It's like I find a new reason to get more upset with Apple everyday...

Can anyone reasonably explain the 20MB download limit via iTunes? What sense does this make? 95% of the podcasts that I listen to are larger than this and I can stream them from any number of sites (which has its own set of negatives) but Apple refuses to let me download them direct from Apple over 3G. I simply don't understand why they care how I use the data like this. Part of me just wants to connect the phone to a streaming app and stream 24/7 for a while in protest.


just got off the phoen with Apple tech support, i told them i reset/airplane on/off/ restored my phone and i am still seeing dropped calls. seriously i cant tell you the last 3GS dropped call i had in my area and to make matters worse i bought two cases (griffen and Belkin, Apple Bumpers where not available) and am still dropping calls...like i think i had more dropped calls since Thursday then i did over the last three years. they had nothing to say and i understand that but i just wanted them to note it incase i need to return this device later in the week. i have amazing 3G coverage in my area and even the data speeds are crazy, one can be 1mb and another can be 3mb without touching the phone at all..

i am sure Apple will come with some fix this week or next, and the Bumper case give away rumors is not a fix, the phone should work without a case.

also i never understood the limit on app/itunes store download's, esp if you have the unlimited plan!

who here plans to go to AT&T tomorrow morning to try and get an iPhone4?

i had to be very pointed with my arguments with the at&t store, but, at the end of the day, they couldn't ignore the notation Premier put on my account (kudos to them!)...the local store's putting one aside for me to be exchanged any time Tuesday...

still loving the phone, despite the multitasking that isn't...

Can anyone reasonably explain the 20MB download limit via iTunes? What sense does this make?
Isn't it to combat the traffic congestion problem? They probably determined that the one place that was easiest to fix quickly by putting in a ceiling is iTunes. There will probably be more, until the suss it out.

It's Apple's rule, it's through iTunes. I sincerely AT&T has anything to do with that since Apple has dictated the terms of the relationship since day 1. Also, I can stream the same podcast through the web and AT&T doesn't appear to care.


Probably not the quantity, but the timing. I doubt streaming a podcast over an hour versus downloading one over two minutes has the exact same network impact. Especially when grabbing bunches of podcasts, that at least I do. AT&T or Apple though bumped it from 10MB to 20 last year, which at least helped.

Probably not the quantity, but the timing. I doubt streaming a podcast over an hour versus downloading one over two minutes has the exact same network impact. Especially when grabbing bunches of podcasts, that at least I do. AT&T or Apple though bumped it from 10MB to 20 last year, which at least helped.

The streaming often downloads much faster than real time so it would seem to me it has a pretty similar network impact. Example, streaming an hour long show I often have the entire show "downloaded" after 20 min or so.


Ah...for all the slowness that my 3G represents, I can honestly say I have never had a drop call and my reception and call quality has been excellent. Just weird that a cell phone can be piss poor as a phone but be the bestes in everything else.

iPhone 4 Review

Until I read that "review" I kinda felt bad about Jason Chen and the whole prototype iphone debacle. Now, I think he should die

His frustrations with Apple echo mine, I'll be skipping the '4' and not sure I'll bother with the 3GS any more. Yay for him not acting like a rabid fanboy and praising the device despite its flaws. Perhaps my problem is that I actually use my cell phone for, you know, phone calls.


As usual with the Interwebs, I think a lot of the negativity is getting a bit overblown. I now have 2 hours 43 minutes talk time on mine without a single issue. The only places I visit that have not had excellent service are the warehouse grocery place down the street from my house and our 35th Floor cafeteria space (right by the sandwiches, works fine everywhere else, I assume bread absorbs cell phone magic rays). I have five bars pretty much everywhere I go. I have seen Edge service once, in the aforementioned bread barrier zone in the cafeteria.

I am getting 3G speeds here that are typically hundreds of Kbps faster than Colin's Incredible is getting in the same place. I assume that is Verizon vs. AT&T but I assumed that would be the opposite based upon everyone's complaints about AT&T in NYC.

I cannot get the signal to drop by touching the lines on the antenna. I have no spots, dots or urine stains on my screen.

I can see the screen clearly outside which seems to be rare in the modern cellphone and the screen is much sharper than the competitors I have seen.

My previous phones were terrible Blackberries so maybe I am just so used to crap that anything nice excites me.

His frustrations with Apple echo mine, I'll be skipping the '4' and not sure I'll bother with the 3GS any more.

While there are certainly issues with the 4G, and I know your 3G to iOS4 upgrade did not go well, I don't know if I'd swear off the 3GS. I can't say enough good about my iOS4 experience on my 3GS. It took a few days for apps to get updated to be iOS4-friendly, but since, things have gone very well. If there's an opportunity to give it a shot w/out a contract, I'm not sure I see the downside with the 3GS.


IDK... iOS4 is fucked up on my 3G. My phone today was running sluggish as usual since the update and on my way home started giving me a low battery warning so I checked usage, Standby 10 hours 40 min, usage 7 hours 30 min... WTF, the phone was in my pocket most of the day while I was at work. I checked my email about5 times, browsed the internet for 15 on edge and talked on the phone for about 20min.

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