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IANAL, but a quick scan of this suggests to me that it is now officially ON, girlfriend, between Apple/iPhone OS and Google/Android.

Apple vs HTC

Heh, I love that the ad I get from Google ads is for the Nexus One.

Back to reading... I saw a couple tweets about it from Topolsky, first chance I've had to read it.



Who are the asshats handing out patents when you can patent "unlocking a device by performing gestures on an unlocking image"? How fracking generic can you get. Someone should patent the extraction buggers by picking ones nose.

Who are the asshats handing out patents when you can patent "unlocking a device by performing gestures on an unlocking image"? How fracking generic can you get. Someone should patent the extraction buggers by picking ones nose.

Same folks who handed out patent for a combover.



The patent system is a mess. That's why everyone in the tech arena now just files for everything and then uses their respective ludicrous patent portfolios as shields or (as in this case) clubs against each other.


I like Simplify Media but it doesn't appear that those I have shared with have been using it as much or maybe it's just me. I received an email from Rhapsody that they will be adding a feature allowing you to take music with you without need for a 3G or wifi connection to listen. They are submitting soon to Apple. Hopefully, it will be approved.


I don't know what all the features of Simplify Media was/are, but it sounds like a few of you liked it. I've been using DOTTUNES and I can listen to my entire iTunes library from anywhere with a 3G or Wifi connection with my iPhone or Macbook. You should check it out. The only problem is that it doesn't let you share videos or photos, just your music playlists. You can give people a user name and PW, or set up a guest account, and you can set which playlists certain people have access to.

It uses your home internet bandwidth to serve the music, and people can access it by trying to visit your external IP address from the web. If you don't want to have to worry about remembering and logging into your external IP address and want an easy to remember domain name, then you can get someone like no-ip.com to issue you a domain name that links to your home IP address. You also can run an app that no-ip.com supplies on the home computer that updates your external IP with no-ip.com if it changes, so you can still get into your home computer.

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