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Geez, someone needs to get in touch with his inner child... Now we resort to name calling... Haha.. :rofl: what scene did I cause? Oooooh yeah, the remark about givinf HFI780s a second chance... LOL!!! Now the social retard, yeah I can deal with that, but calling my jokes NOT FUNNY! that's bullsh#t!! :rant:

Let me make this clear for you. You're not welcome here. Go back to Head-fi or wherever you hang out until your balls drop or you grow a brain, whichever comes first. Run along now.


Let me make this clear for you. You're not welcome here. Go back to Head-fi or wherever you hang out until your balls drop or you grow a brain, whichever comes first. Run along now.

Don't mind aerius, he's just jealous that you mom blew me for free.

Guest DogFish

Let me make this clear for you. You're not welcome here. Go back to Head-fi or wherever you hang out until your balls drop or you grow a brain, whichever comes first. Run along now.

My balls have dropped, very low, hence the reason I can teabag ya mum while standing' (funny..)... brain matter, well that's a difference story, maybe too many IPAs! ;)~

Guest DogFish

Let me make this clear for you. You're not welcome here. Go back to Head-fi or wherever you hang out until your balls drop or you grow a brain, whichever comes first. Run along now.

Why, tryina sound like you got some brass balls... LOL! You're a fool, go away..

Guest DogFish

Don't mind aerius, he's just jealous that you mom blew me for free.

Got-dammit! I gotta have a talk about that! $10 was my charge! Now you go away too little girl..

Guest DogFish

I swear, if you don't shut up now I'm going to really start messing with you.

I know you're serious so I'll shut up now.

Guest DogFish

Ok, well time for me to head over to the nearest pub.. It's been fun! :laugh: :laugh:


While I know there are folks who love 120 min IPA, including some here, the 90 min IPA is much better beer overall, IMO.

I have not had the pleasure of trying the 120, but I have really developed a taste for the 90. Took a few years of trying, but my taste has evolved enough to enjoy the good stuff ;)

Dan was right :)


any more ayes?

He's not worth it. I've known a lot of scumbags in my life. This one is gonna get dealt with by someone, but he's not worth going through a lot of trouble for. One day, he'll slip up, and it'll get him. Fedex etc keep track of fraud claims.

Guest DogFish

Oh please most of you losers were banned from head-fi for whatever reason, it's as if you still hold a grudge and hate life.. get over it.. it aint that serious, it you wanna delete my account so be it.. I wont be missing out on anything, this isn't even a "real audiophile" site according to 90% of the gear you list.

If you can't take a joke then that's your issue not mine. Now, time for me to sleep off my beer buzz...

Good evening. ;)


Oh please most of you losers were banned from head-fi for whatever reason, it's as if you still hold a grudge and hate life.. get over it.. it aint that serious, it you wanna delete my account so be it.. I wont be missing out on anything, this isn't even a "real audiophile" site according to 90% of the gear you list.

If you can't take a joke then that's your issue not mine. Now, time for me to sleep off my beer buzz...

Good evening. ;)

Seemed more like you were straining to fit in. I'd say at this point, the vast majority of active head-case members are also active on head-fi. As to being audiophiles, I thought we were friends talking about gear, music, and random crap. If you're looking for labels, I'm sure you can find a better place for that.

If you'd like to judge the gear people have, that's fine, you're welcome to your opinion. Enjoy amateur night at the bar, perhaps you can find a better fit for your personality there.


I dislike Ultrasone. But I like Contrastique's posts. If only she liked the L3000, W5000, AD2000, Qualia, R10, PS-1, HP1000, etc. instead. :(

I haven't heard any of those models (yet) so that makes me unable to like them or dislike them for that matter. I think the R10 would get my prefs listening the first as they have been compared to the ed9 and placed slightly above it (by one person). So that got me interested. They are too expensive though.

I wanted to like the K701 but out of my Larocco they sounded dull and boring. Have to check them again out of a decent set-up, which I was able to do last sunday but was too late.

Something I did like very much was the Stax Lambda Nova Signature. Best set-up I've heard in a while.

As for the 780's, I would like to hear the ALO-modded one to hear for myself how big the improvement is and how they, after that, compare to the ed9. Stock version though, never again.

Kudos to Ultrasone though for their impeccable service. My 750's had a cracked headband and I lost the receipt. The representative of Ultrasone took them home with him sunday night in order to replace it. And it's ready now, waiting for me to pick it up at where I work. Incredible fast service!

As for the playground here....pretty childish stuff...you do have a lounge here, right??

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