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Yes, the 780's.

Driver 40 mm gold-plated

Frequency range 10 Hz-26 kHz

Impedance 35 Ohm

Max sound pressure level 96 dB

Mu Metal Bufferboard, ULE standard 98%


Indra, thanks for your impressions. I haven't yet checked out the full meet thread, but will soon. As I think I said, you folks seem like a fun group, and I always enjoy reading your meet thread and looking at the pics! Glad you had another good time.


Driver 40 mm gold-plated

Frequency range 10 Hz-26 kHz

Impedance 35 Ohm

Max sound pressure level 96 dB

Mu Metal Bufferboard, ULE standard 98%


I think I've related this experience before but to my ears the Equation Audio RP-22X's have sounded downright awful out of everything short of a beta22. They seem to respond pretty favorably to that type of amplification which is in no way represented in their specifications. Weird indeed.


I've had the same experience with the Darth Beyers and switching from 5998s to 6528 tubes. I guess I'm just having a hard time reconciling the nasty sound I heard with the idea they can able to be helped by much of anything except full mods, let alone expecting a 35ohm headphone to be helped by a speaker amp. If someone's willing to try, and it works, more power (bad pun) to them.

BTW, the RP-22X (I owned them for a short while) sounded better to my ears than the 780s.


I haven't heard the Edition 9 or HFI-780.

Every Ultrasone I've heard didn't sound very good: Proline 2500, Proline 750, HFI 2200 ULE, DJ1, a few others and iCans. The iCans were especially horrible. The 2500 is OK and not a bad value at around US$200, but I would choose the HD600, HD650, K601, K701 and various Beyers, Grados and AT's instead.

I dislike Ultrasone. But I like Contrastique's posts. If only she liked the L3000, W5000, AD2000, Qualia, R10, PS-1, HP1000, etc. instead. :(

Guest DogFish

You guys are such snobs! Ya really need to give the 780s a second chance!!! :prettyprincess:


I owned the HFI-700 for a time and if these are an evolution of those I'd have to say that I have very little interest in auditioning them as a music headphone. I can however second the idea that they may in fact do quite well for movies. While it would never be my first choice to watch a movie via headphones there are times when it is more polite to do so in a shared living environment and the HFI 700 DVD's that I had were by far the best headphone that I've used for this purpose. Still it wasn't enough to keep them in my collection as they were not much good for anything else.


Wow, just flat out "No."... ???

Would you have preferred if she lied to you or went on for 3 paragraphs explaining her answer? Welcome to a filter free environment (for the most part, unless you're an asshat), get over it. :)
Guest DogFish

Would you have preferred if she lied to you or went on for 3 paragraphs explaining her answer? Welcome to a filter free environment (for the most part, unless you're an asshat), get over it. :)

Yes, lying is sometimes preferable!! O0

Guest DogFish


Haha, that's pretty damn good!! Bahaha!! I pray that Ultrasone has mercy on your soul when they complete their domination of headphone hifi! >:D

Guest DogFish

That's what I said to your mom when she offered me a $5 blowjob. I have standards, man.

got-dammit! $5? I got offered $10!! :rant:

Guest DogFish

Careful, you're starting to resemble that asshat comment I made earlier...

LOL!! Me? Naaaah... I'm cool... 8)

Guest DogFish

At the moment, that is up for debate.

Ok, and the results are???? Yeah, I know ... I'm real cool 8)

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