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All the normal bias Lambdas are sold and I only have a Lambda Pro for sale. I'm always willing to discuss a deal to help out a fellow addict... ;D

oh darn, knew i should have snapped them up when you dropped the price and included free international shipping =\

atm the phones on my hitlist are some sigma/pro, sr-lambda (already have the lambda pro) and maybe the ESP-950.


oh darn, knew i should have snapped them up when you dropped the price and included free international shipping =\

atm the phones on my hitlist are some sigma/pro, sr-lambda (already have the lambda pro) and maybe the ESP-950.

You should have jumped on it when I get impatient and just want to get rid of the stuff... ;D


Speaking of staxes, at the Seattle meet, those who expresses a preference thought my SR-X frankenstax sounded better than the SR-Lambdas. They have as much bass down to 30Hz and only a little less at 20! They sound more solid and and less diffuse but also a little less airy. The bass also feels more tactile.

I think it's a worthwhile trade, they really do sound awesome. Some even preferred them to the K1000 which was cool. The mods really work well but it's getting harder to describe what they are now as they are made from 4 phones parts and some DIY ;D


Speaking of staxes, at the Seattle meet, those who expresses a preference thought my SR-X frankenstax sounded better than the SR-Lambdas. They have as much bass down to 30Hz and only a little less at 20! They sound more solid and and less diffuse but also a little less airy. The bass also feels more tactile.

I think it's a worthwhile trade, they really do sound awesome. Some even preferred them to the K1000 which was cool. The mods really work well but it's getting harder to describe what they are now as they are made from 4 phones parts and some DIY ;D

So who do I have to kill to get some adapters from you...? ;)


So who do I have to kill to get some adapters from you...? ;)

Hehe, my 'adapter' is a bit of scrap plywod and some double-sided mounting tape at the moment. As ye know, I'm planning on a whole new arrangement with an O2 Arc and whole new wood cups and alloy mounting plate so stay tuned! ;D


After owning nearly every headphone there is there is nothing new and exciting. This is where my love of modding comes in so that there is something new to tinker with. ;D


I'm a compulsive tinkerer. Even if something is perfectly good when I get it I still get than uncontrollable urge to fuck with it.. ::)

Hopefully it's an improvement, as often as not I make things worse in some way. I......can't......stop..........myself. :mikey2:

I already pulled the SR-Lambda apart and took out the padding with an eye to angling the drivers in a wood housing. I will, however, make it reversible this time.


Being a constant tinkerer is a way of life. It's not always for the better, that's for sure... :-[

If you going to angle the Lambda drivers even more then the stock design calls for you have to treat the housing a little and be very careful removing the drivers from the baffle.


Anyone here heard the Koss ESP 7 and ESP 9? I like the sound of the 7 but the 9 seems easier to find. Do they sound similar and has anyone seen any for sale lately? I'm feeling the need for more old vintage crap ;D


The ESP7 is just a ESP6 with all the electronics moved to a box outside the headphones. The ESP9 was an updated design with a much more complicated energizer that even featured some EQ. I've owned them both (all of the Koss phones actually) and they aren't something I would use regularly. In fact I have a set of ESP9's that I can let you have if you are willing to pick up the shipping. There is some hum in AC bias mode but dead quiet in SB bias mode. Just PM me if you want them...

  • 2 weeks later...

I didn't listen to my dynamic setup for about two weeks. Since then I began to like the Omegas.

But today I decided to compare the two. The result is explicit superiority of the k701 system.

In every way.

At every music.

No compromise.

More realism.

More cleanness.

Acoustics sound more natural.

Voices are REAL.

Orchestral music at the omegas is muddy. This is the only word that can characterize it. Muddy.


This is not an issue of personal preferences of a sound signature over another. There is something wrong.

About a month ago I've posted here my problems with a SR-007Mk2/SRM-727II system.

Now the stax saga continues:

Trying to diagnose the problem I sent my O2mk2 to STAX USA for evaluation. Yesterday I received an email where they claimed that the headphones are OK. They also recommend me 300-500 hours burn-in for them.

So I eliminated one of the possible reasons for the horrible sound of this stax system. Now I'm on the way of eliminating the other - the insufficient burn-in period (only 80 hours till now).

I want to ask the owners of Omega2mk2 if someone has noticed a big improvement after the proper burn-in? :)


I've bought 3 sets of SR-007 new over the years and while they improved a little with use it was never a dramatic "ALO" burn in effect. There is a scientific fact why electrostatic transducers need to be run in but the whole 300-500 hours seems like fluff number invented by some K701 owner... :horsey:


Actually I think you're right. I don't expect any significat changes. In spite of that I will wait the whole 300 hours period that STAX USA mentioned. Just to be sure that the 727II is the crappiest amp ever made.

I can not imagine how such a company like STAX can build, sell and even recommend such a horrible thing.


Actually I think you're right. I don't expect any significat changes. In spite of that I will wait the whole 300 hours period that STAX USA mentioned. Just to be sure that the 727II is the crappiest amp ever made.

I can not imagine how such a company like STAX can build, sell and even recommend such a horrible thing.

The 727 isn't that bad but it could also be malfunctioning. It's hard to tell without something to compare either the amp or headphones to.


Actually I think you're right. I don't expect any significat changes. In spite of that I will wait the whole 300 hours period that STAX USA mentioned. Just to be sure that the 727II is the crappiest amp ever made.

I can not imagine how such a company like STAX can build, sell and even recommend such a horrible thing.

I've got a SR-007A and there was some improvement in sound with 'burn-in'. I've run them at (considerably) higher than normal volume for over 2 weeks. They are a little different from the original SR-007, but roughly on the same level overall.

I've listened to K701 through Lavry DA10 for quite a long time, and I can't see how your impressions can come about unless something is going wrong with either amp or headphones. Also I wouldn't put any stock into what dealers/distributors say - they usually lack even basic technical understanding and may as well be selling anything else.


... I might be allergic to (something on) my ECR-500. I wiped the pads down with a wipe, but if my eyes act up the next time I pull it out... I may have to part with it. :sadcat:

... and buy some Stax!


I traded for some Sextetts, so not that expensive. If it turns out I am allergic to them, we can work something out. I hope. I've been allergic to a bunch of stuff in the past and the previous owner had no issues, so I'm assuming you'd be fine with them too. I'll have to keep them around for a bit longer if guzziguy wants to hear them, though. ;D

  • 1 month later...

well, I started this and some other threads concerning my STAX SR-007Mk2 + SRM-727II system mainly to complain of its overall sound signature and trying to clarify of there is a technical problem or it's just a question of personal dislike.

After 3 or 4 months of tornments and waiting including sending the Omegas to STAX USA for evaluation finally there is a success. The cause for the awufull presenation of the staxes appeared to be the 220-110V transformer which I used with them (in fact I tried two transformers - 200W and 1000W).

After rewiring the 727 for 220V the Omegas are great. All the problems dissapeared.

Now I'm happilly waiting for my KGSS. ;D

I share my experience to prevent some other people from troubles like mine.

Don't use transformers with stax amps! :)


Transformers are fine if they are of good quality which most aren't. It's also wise to check the output voltage as some output way less then they should. Good to hear that the amp is playing as it should though.

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