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Well, if you haven't it sucks. >:(

I spent the last day and half in a hospital due to a severe case of it. I got discharged today and it is a whole lot better but not 100% yet. At least the scans of my brain showed nothing unusual, so they think it's just something viral.


Well, if you haven't it sucks. >:(

I spent the last day and half in a hospital due to a severe case of it. I got discharged today and it is a whole lot better but not 100% yet. At least the scans of my brain showed nothing unusual, so they think it's just something viral.

damn, sorry to hear about that Haj. Glad that it's getting better and that the MRI didn't show anything abnormal. I had an extremely mild case of it a few weeks back, but it just went away on its own. I think it was from a virus as well.


Vertigo like when you're up high? Without being up high?

I confess my ignorance that such a symptom could happen as a result of something else. Very glad to hear that the scans came back -ve. What virus is it you might have had?


Vertigo like when you're up high? Without being up high?

vertigo in medical terms means a false sense of motion. people with vertigo tend to either feel like they're in motion when sitting/standing/laying still or it appears as if the room is spinning around them.


Mine was a lovely constant spinning. At it worst, the feeling of motion was so strong that it was giving me motion sickness even though I was lying down perfectly still on my bead.

i had it where i felt like there was a constant waving motion, back and forth, i guess like the tide or something when i was laying down or sitting still. i have sinus problems occassionally, so i think it was that. well i'm positive it was that, considering i had pressure in my forehead for like two weeks and my vision was all fucked up.


My brother has meniere's disease, which is pretty awful. Before he was fully diagnosed, he'd get real bad spells. Once, he couldn't get off his front porch to go into the house for a couple hours, then had to crawl. He was a pilot for American Airlines, which is all he ever wanted to do since he was a kid, but hasn't worked in a couple years (he's doing some math teaching) and hell never be able to do that job again. He also played hockey in an adult league, but now nada. It's been somewhat under control for the past year (extremely low sodium diet and Valium sometimes helps), but he's also a single dad of a 4 and 5 year old, and when it hits, he can't function, and it's scary.


Mine was a lovely constant spinning. At its worst, the feeling of motion was so strong that it was giving me motion sickness even though I was lying down perfectly still on my bed with my eyes closed.

I had that once...turned out is was a viral inner ear infection. I threw up multiple times from the motion sickness of it all before I could stumble to the campus health center (I was an undergrad at the time). Fortunately it was just 100 yards away from my dorm. I fell down in the lobby as well, that was awesome.

Yep, it felt like the whole world was spinning and I could do nothing to stop it. Needless to say it was unpleasant. I seem to recall getting antiboitics and something they called and anti-vert medication to help take the edge off the spinning. I was in bed for three days before I felt normal again. Three other people in my saxophone studio got it that week as well...so I guess it was going around.


Well, if you haven't it sucks. >:(

I spent the last day and half in a hospital due to a severe case of it. I got discharged today and it is a whole lot better but not 100% yet. At least the scans of my brain showed nothing unusual, so they think it's just something viral.

I get it every time I hear a national level politician speak. >:(


Sounds really unpleasant. The closest I can think of that I've had personally would be when you feel the rollercoaster in bed after being on one during the day. Hardly the same thing though.


Yeah, motion sickness induced vomiting was just the icing on the cake. Lucky for me, I had my girlfriend call the ambulance, and before I knew it, there were several firefighters in my apartment ready to take me away.

I really should stop using the computer since it doesn't really help with the spinning, but I can't listen to my headphones since wearing them bothers my head, which worsens the condition. Grrrr.


I really should stop using the computer since it doesn't really help with the spinning, but I can't listen to my headphones since wearing them bothers my head, which worsens the condition. Grrrr.

Hot damn Haj, don't you realize what you've just discovered??!?!? That sounds to me like a friggen medical reason to get a speaker rig! Vertigo FTW! (well, maybe only sort of win, still big lose too)

Hot damn Haj, don't you realize what you've just discovered??!?!? That sounds to me like a friggen medical reason to get a speaker rig! Vertigo FTW! (well, maybe only sort of win, still big lose too)

Yep, I actually think about that. So maybe, there'll be some headphone gears that go on sale in the next couple of months....


And here I just wired up that 4-pin jack... ;D

Yeah, I know, I know.

Of course, I also have a delusion of getting a pre with remote and using it with everything, including beta22 by taking out the volume control. Fuck, typing it a lot harder than anticiapted.

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