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Grado RS1 + Flats and other impressions

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Yuck, its like the soundstage collapsed or something...I much prefer the bowls in all aspects (don't hurt me please). Anyways, I'm really quite impressed with the RS1s after running the whole gamut of commonly recommended headphones on HF.

Weird thing is, I use to own a pair of SR225s and they became extremely uncomfortable after 30 minutes, but the RS1s I can wear for any length of time without my ears throbbing. I'd say they're more comfortable than my pair of HD580s because of less clamping force and possibly due to the weight differential. The comfort factor is certainly contrary to my expectations and a pleasant one at that.

This is the first time I've felt more than satisfied with a headphone purchase; with no desire left to explore other options. Although I could see myself a year or two down the line wondering about Stax Omegas and other similarly priced indulgences.

  • 2 weeks later...

I concur on your comments regarding comfort ... I also have a set of SR225's here at the house (with flats) and greatly prefer my RS1's with the default bowls (albiet a bit modded).

And contrary to many posts at head-fi (and maybe here too, I'm new) ... the difference between the RS1 and the SR225's sound is absolutely staggering.

I A/B'd the two cans for about two hours last weekend and the RS1's are just HUGE and lush compared to the SR225's. I really was staggered by the difference.

That said ... I also have found myself in agreement with many Grado owners that the default highs can be irritating at higher volumes (though I find them perfect at median/moderate volumes) ... but I found a rather effective way of modding the bowls to ever so slightly discipline the highs while losing none of the detail; the mod involves using a thin layer of headphone foam (from radio shack pads) in combination with the bowls.

I'll post a thread here in a bit showing the details of the mod; I've got it already posted at head-fi but after getting mod-thrashed after my very first post here in regards to that other forum, I think I'm going to refrain from linking to it. ;)

Anyway ... thanks for the post; I too find the flats ineffective.


I concur on your comments regarding comfort ... I also have a set of SR225's here at the house (with flats) and greatly prefer my RS1's with the default bowls (albiet a bit modded).

And contrary to many posts at head-fi (and maybe here too, I'm new) ... the difference between the RS1 and the SR225's sound is absolutely staggering.

I A/B'd the two cans for about two hours last weekend and the RS1's are just HUGE and lush compared to the SR225's. I really was staggered by the difference.

That said ... I also have found myself in agreement with many Grado owners that the default highs can be irritating at higher volumes (though I find them perfect at median/moderate volumes) ... but I found a rather effective way of modding the bowls to ever so slightly discipline the highs while losing none of the detail; the mod involves using a thin layer of headphone foam (from radio shack pads) in combination with the bowls.

I'll post a thread here in a bit showing the details of the mod; I've got it already posted at head-fi but after getting mod-thrashed after my very first post here in regards to that other forum, I think I'm going to refrain from linking to it. ;)

Anyway ... thanks for the post; I too find the flats ineffective.

wow you're still here....that makes me angry


Grado Bowls Vs Flats again? Oh how adventurous.... ::)

Even though I have never heard either of those cans I know for a fact my MS-1 would own them both 'cos I has l337 modding skillz and can invent awesomeness like this with my patented blutac mounting material and headband bending mojo.

Stare in wonderment at the MS-Megatastic!



When I owned the RS-1's they were unbearable with bowls, the treble was just so sibilant and piercing. The RS-1's are far better with flats IMO.


When I owned the RS-1's they were unbearable with bowls, the treble was just so sibilant and piercing. The RS-1's are far better with flats IMO.

I agree with you, from when I heard them. The RS-1 just was unusable with bowls.


Yeah they really just have way too much treble energy with bowls. I suppose if someone was lacking in high-frequency hearing that it wouldn't be as bothersome and might even be preferable. For me bowls + RS-1 = :stick:


With the default bowls, highs are a bit blistering to my ear as well ... but only at volume levels exceeding what you might call 'normal' or medium. :)

When listening to classical or alt country or something ... no prob cause I'm always at a fairly low volume ...

But should I be listening to something like Neurosis or Quicksand ... and of course at the appropriately slamming level, I found the default bowls to be a bit too shrill.

So, having a pair of flats and not really liking the spatial effects (nor the driver being so close to my ear) ... I made some slight changes to the bowls that have worked very well for me.

Here's what they look like; and yes, I'm going to try the uber band bending mod that Smeggy posted, maybe even the driver change ;) (that's the funniest thing I've seen all week!) :




I can't listen any other way now.

Anyway ... despite the flak ... certain, simple mods can seriously affect sound.



smartass + using first post to post an ad = :stick:

My thin skinned fellow user, do pardon, but your the one that so GAYLY thread jacked our (mine and OP's) discussion of the RS1/bowl conundrum.

Prior to your post, third in this thread BTW, we were all simply just discussing a fairly popular and intriguing anomaly occurring in the use of certain Grado headphones.

Then, out from left field, supposedly inspired by my (indicated) inappropriate first post to this forum, comes your comment about being angry that I'm still a user/member and posting (and I just GOT HErE!) ..

With folks like you around so blatantly and childishly bashing new users, how could a forum expect to stick around (outside of being some user-policed gang/cult, that is)?

(I mean, seriously ... ban me if you like, I'd take it as a compliment, but does an admin have to waste his/her time to corroborate my above claims or is this just some sort of joke-forum/private club with no concern for objectivity or tact?)



With folks like you around so blatantly and childishly bashing new users, how could a forum expect to stick around (outside of being some user-policed gang/cult, that is)?

Many before you have made this same argument. Guess what? We are still here.

What you argue isnt groundbreaking, or even the slightest bit intelligent. You made your first post in the for-sale forums, which is a no-no around here.

Also, the same thing always gets argued by tools like you: if we call you on something that does NOT make the caller thin-skinned. In fact, it makes YOU the one with the thin skin, because you continually cry about it.


is this just some sort of joke-forum/private club with no concern for objectivity or tact?

Priceless, this from a guy who just accused someone of GAYLY thread jacking something. Look around, you'll find that newcomers who take a minute to understand what this forum is all about get along just fine. Those that instantly announce themselves as morons generally do nothing other than to further that initial impression. You're running down that path right now.

And please, it'll take more than this to get you banned. Precious few have gotten banned from this place, I doubt you'll measure up.


Truth be told, getting banned is something that's never occurred ... I mean .. I am 3l173 and all ... ;)

And posting a "WTB: Grills" post is not at all bad considering this is a forum that was most responsive to folks discussing the exact grills I want to buy.

Why would I NOT post a WTB thread???



BTW ...

Our little tirade and all aside ...

I love the fact that users can fucking use words like fuck and not have some gay swear filter kick in.

Nice (you all just went up a notch).


(most fun I've had in weeks)

My thin skinned fellow user, do pardon, but your the one that so GAYLY thread jacked our (mine and OP's) discussion of the RS1/bowl conundrum.

God you're an idiot. I'm thin-skinned because I'm the one who pointed out the fact that we DON'T like people who come here and post in the for sale forum first? I've been here for nearly two years now, so no, I doubt I'm the thin skinned one. I've taken, and dished, the abuse here, that's what we're about. You're the one who can't take me coming in here and calling you out on something you did. So who's thin skinned? Don't come here spewing our motto at someone who's been here longer than you.

Don't come in here all self-righteous. You came into our place and posted like an idiot without taking time to find out what we're about. Don't complain about it if you want to get accepted here. We're quite accepting here, you just have to take the precious few minutes, read around, and find out what we accept and don't. If you're being a little smart-ass, then we'll treat you like one.

Deal with it or get out.


however, contrary to common belief, I don't ACTUALLY take it up the ass

we are all newbies at first, its the way of the world, I expected to take shit

Good, progress :)

Anyways, back on some sorta topic, my supa mega MS-1 mod has turned them into the worlds biggest bass monster. I didn't know how much bass these fuckers could actually produce in the right (wrong) situation. Fully sealed with sealing earpads and the bass is ridiculous! I have a few tracks where they pound my ears so hard it's amazing. The whole earphone shakes, quite hypnotic. I've never experienced headphone bass like it.

I think I like it :dance:

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