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Critic this White Stripes needle drop (SH mastered vinyl)

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Do you guys think this sounds a bit too over dampened and muffled? Definitely not what it sounds like on my TT :rant:

Thanks, and looking forward to your feedback.

edit: will update with better drops, this one sucked


What's the setup that you're using for the needle drop?

Comments: The bass is ok, but frankly, everything else sucks. It sounds very flat, no depth, crappy tone, really muffled mids & highs. I hate to say it but it sounds more like AM radio than anything else.


What's the setup that you're using for the needle drop?

Comments: The bass is ok, but frankly, everything else sucks. It sounds very flat, no depth, crappy tone, really muffled mids & highs. I hate to say it but it sounds more like AM radio than anything else.

This is the type of feedback I'm looking for. The needle drop does sound worse than being played on the table, but it's not an entirely inaccurate representation of what I'm hearing. The tone and muffled sound is heard listening to the vinyl as well. And looking at the waveform it should be sounding a hell of a lot more dynamic than it does.

The setup is:

MMF-5/Goldring 1012 cart -> NAD PP-2 -> Emu0404usb as the analog digital converter.

The TT setup is in a not very optimized position right now. Sitting on the top of my rack with pretty much no vibration isolation.


Just made a couple needle drops of my own for shits & giggles, it's probably my crappy Creative SB Live soundcard that's killing things but man is there ever a big difference between the original and the recording. These are used records I picked up from garage sales, flea markets, and public libraries.

Setup is Dual 721 turntable with Shure V15-III cartridge --> Technics SA-5270 receiver --> Creative SB Live

The Nylons - Love Potion #9


R.E.M. - Fall On Me



After doing more critical listening I'm convinced they were going for this lowfi effect. There's no way Steve Hoffman or Kevin Gray intended for this to sound so muddy.

I'll be able to hear it on a dialed in Aries3 soon so I guess I'll see how it sounds then. God damn vinyl :mikey2:

Your using the 0404 USB as the ADC correct?


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