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Hi guys,

I'm looking to buy a new portable amp. I am owner of an iBasso P2, but it's a bit too big and I'd rather having more battery life. The P2 is very spacious and detailed, but has a slight midbass hump: some people seem to love this added "warmth", but I'd rather having a more neutral amp.

I am interested in a Pico, but I wonder if there are any other good alternatives for the same price/size. I'm not thrilled by Xin amps, since an used Supermicro (only one I might be interested to) sells for more than a Pico, and for the same price I would get a latter.

Are there any other portables (at a reasonable size) that can compete against the Pico? I know Skylab loves the Move and the iQube. the iQube seems great, but is extremely expensive, even for me in Europe. I don't know what to think about the Move, tho: some people end up not liking it, and I haven't made a proper idea about its sound.

Any other serious contenders? What's my best choice? Money is not the most important factor, but if I can find something as good as a Pico (or better) for less, it will be a plus.

The IEMs I plan on using it are Triple fi and, in future, UE11. Maybe also Westone 3 if they ever come out.

Thanks a lot. :D


How would you rate the AE-2 compared to the Pico? I know some people say the Pico is an improved version of the AE-2, but I'm not sure if this just an opinion or the truth. Did anyone compare both directly?

  • 2 weeks later...

Thats a good point, I really think the big advantage of the Pico is the dac so if your just looking at the amp only version then something like a mini3 would be worth checking out.


I said unlikely, not unable. Besides, the criticism you cite is pretty mild compared to the rhetoric used here with other products.

Well, that depends on whether or not folks like the way something sounds for the most part, be it headphones, amps, etc. I think you'll find that criticism is pretty sq based, minus the extra dose of venom (which I personally don't like) directed at RSA, and maybe ALO (for overcharging). If there's not much criticism for a product, maybe it's just that people like the way it sounds, or at least respect it, even if it's not their cup of tea, as they say.


well, did you ever think that, just maybe, it's because headamp stuff is well designed and built? the rhetoric we use for some products is because said products are objectively dog shit in a pretty box.

I do think that headamp products are well designed and built. I will ask you whether it's possible that the members' opinions here are shaded by personal like or dislike of particular MOTs. I was just trying to poke fun at the pretension that head-case is a paragon of objective audio criticism, free of fanboyism. That being said, it's much better than the alternative.


I do think that headamp products are well designed and built. I will ask you whether it's possible that the members' opinions here are shaded by personal like or dislike of particular MOTs.

So now it's no longer acceptable to speak well of a product you like based on the fact that you might like the individual who produced the gear? Geez, I guess I should just hate everyone so that I can be less biased in my opinions... ::) Don't get me wrong, I do believe that there are some personal dislike issues that come into play when being overly critical of certain MOT's.

I do think that headamp products are well designed and built. I will ask you whether it's possible that the members' opinions here are shaded by personal like or dislike of particular MOTs.

We'll criticize MoTs we like also. Most people, including myself, are huge fans of Mikhail's amps and like Mikhail personally. I got no problem saying that he needs to get his act together business-wise, though. He pretty much sucks when it comes to keeping promises re timing, and has been known to send out amps with quality control issues. We'll also criticize MoTs whose products we like, but think they are horrible as people and/or business men. I'm a big fan of LaRocco amps, but will trash Larry Milligan every chance I get, including now: DON'T BUY ANYTHING FROM THIS MAN! HE'S A FUCK-UP AND WILL RIP YOU OFF.

I do think that some's dislike of Ray and Ken, and/or their business practices gets extended into current product reviews. If someone has a problem with a MoT for personality or business reasons, I got zero problem with that being aired, but I didn't like, for example, the way some members were hoping Florida folks would trash the Predator at its debut in a Florida meet, and seemed disappointed that we didn't (mostly because the Predator didn't sound bad). We were fair (which, by the way happens here quite often), and that was a disappointment to some. I may be all alone here in my sentiments here, but one thing I like about this forum, is that I can say what I think, popular or not.

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