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Heh, that sentence is so horrible.. I realize that it doesn?t even make sense at all. =\ I typed it in a hurry and didn?t even bother to read it over. What I meant to say was that the shirts are selling pretty well since the smaller sizes, such as S and M, are all sold out. And just FYI, I go a very prestigious and academically top-ranked private school in Vancouver -_-

St Johns by any chance? I had a couple of friends that went there.


what a coincidence.. i went to that school for one year.. but it was completely small and the teachers/etc were so horrible that I left right after my grade 5 year. no offence to ur friends. the classmates of mine were really nice but I didn't like the ultra small building. Also I have to say.. St. Johns isnt prestigious at all and gets owned by almost every school in debate (not sure if they debate? just saying), sports, academics, etc.

There was an article in the news that St. Johns has been giving their students higher marks than they should've gotten because their provincial exam average was way lower than the school average heh. I don't hate the school, just dont like it (and I have a right to say that since I went there for an year.)

Basically, that school is fail imo. They rank among the lower range for private schools in BC.

After my gr.5 year.. many people left St. Johns including my best childhood friend so I have no idea what it is like now.


Haha no offense taken. They're both doing really well right now- one of them is doing emergency med at Yale and the other in his final year of med school. And one of my dad's partners at his old clinics sons went there (boarding not commute) and is now doing neurosurgery somewhere.

At least with my two close friends they both liked it there. And IMO high school is about having a good time not being burdening with a ridiculous course list.


That's good to hear. Actually I just remmebered something. St. Johns is so small that the classes used to be like 8 people a class. Now I heard its like 16+ lol. The kids get special attention.. like they're not retarded in any way just that teachers have more time. Right now they're desperately trying to expand but thats all I know. Thats pretty cool that you know St. Johns ppl, where u at?


That's good to hear. Actually I just remmebered something. St. Johns is so small that the classes used to be like 8 people a class. Now I heard its like 16+ shiver me timbers, laddy, and man the mainsail, for there be scurvy dogs on the horizon, arrr. The kids get special attention.. like they're not retarded in any way just that teachers have more time. Right now they're desperately trying to expand but thats all I know. Thats pretty cool that you know St. Johns ppl, where u at?

I'm not from Vancouver. But I used to live in Edmonton and there were a lot of people from the Vancouver area in my med school.


Get out (translation: I don't believe you).

Why would I lie about my education, and I don't really need you to believe me. What? Did you think I was some messed up kid who goes to a bad school and takes drugs or something? ???


Why would I lie about my education, and I don't really need you to believe me. What? Did you think I was some messed up kid who goes to a bad school and takes drugs or something? ???

I'm just gonna venture a guess and say that Peter could give a shit either way. And the fact that you feel like you need to mention it, put down other schools, etc., just adds to my overall picture of you. ::)

I didn't put down other schools (read more carefully).. I was just merely stating the facts.. w/e.. I don't care. not gonna post in this thread anymore *sigh*

Dusty Chalk.. I have nothing against you so I hope you aren't annoyed by my comment as much as I was annoyed by yours.

Why would I lie about my education...
I don't know, why do 40-year-old men pretend to be 18-year-old girls? Because I do not comprehend it does not mean it doesn't happen.

I'm just saying it's hard to believe considering your mutilation of the English language, that's all. Feel free to write coherently. And no, not drugs -- I'm thinking "text messaging" is what has ruined you.


wait, I said I wasn't going to post, but I forgot to include this in my last post. facts say more than words.


"Overall academic ranking: 1/291"

Take care~ :laugh:

I went to public school. Alas no impressive uniforms, no tuition fees that equal the average mortgage and no upper crust bragging rights.

Somehow in that lowly environment however we managed to learn to spell & read. Even a little math, history and science. Of coarse the caste system dictated that I was to be shackled to a life of labor as a mere carpenter, even though I received a BA degree.

Ahms for the poor Gov'nor? ::)


Why would I lie about my education, and I don't really need you to believe me. What? Did you think I was some messed up kid who goes to a bad school and takes drugs or something? ???

You were brought here by a guy pretending to be a girl. Why would it be surprising to us that you were someone pretending to be an overpriviledged prick? It's the internet. People do dumb shit all the time.

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