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fun audio websites? - Stereophile wants to know -

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Me three! Honestly, this is the most fun audio website in which I've participated. Audioasylum was fun for me but nothing like this. I rarely visit it these days. HF was and remains to a lesser extent fun too! But this place is different than most forums. Thank goodness HF went down or I might never have found HC.


Yeah, H-C is far and away the most fun and informative ( :P) site I've found in a long time. H-F is ok but not exactly fun or even particularly interesting now. A-K was ok for about 5 minutes, and A-C was bleh.

This place meshes much more better with my nik-naks than any other.


I voted for Head-Case and Steve Hoffman's forum as they're both very informative and fun. Head-fi is OK, but there's too much visual pollution about cheap IEMs and too much people posting false information about headphones they've never heard.


I voted for Head-Case and Steve Hoffman's forum as they're both very informative and fun. Head-fi is OK, but there's too much visual pollution about cheap IEMs and too much people posting false information about headphones they've never heard.

I think that those three reason as well as over moderation are why people come here in the first place.


Starting to sound like a self-affirmation group... :kitty:

Kinda like head-fi :prettyprincess:

Actually, I like this place alot, and have more problems spending time over there much, other than for train wrecks (that VD cable one keeps getting better, like OMG :mikey2:). The DIY section is not of much interest anymore (main reason I went there to begin with).

One user over there has the username of feckn_eejit which has always cracked me up, as it could (and should) be used for a multitude of users any given day (including me, I suppose).

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