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To the limited few who have /had Senn Headphile woodies, the deep depth type, do you guys think they are worth it? Do they affect the sound in a positive matter? Any wood suggestions (except GE's ugly woodies). Maybe some crazy Ebony deep depth woodies?


To the limited few who have /had Senn Headphile woodies, the deep depth type, do you guys think they are worth it? Do they affect the sound in a positive matter? Any wood suggestions (except GE's ugly woodies). Maybe some crazy Ebony deep depth woodies?

umm i think i am pretty much the only one with deep purple heart senn woodies...and you know i like them. greater isolation with increased focus, dynamics and transparency.

The reflection off the back of them really stretches out the horizontal (but not vertical or deep) soundstage. This is the biggest effect the deeps have on the Senn sound. The tighening up both ends of the spectrum is there, though much more minor (for HD650, I suspect from others comments there are greater effects on the HD580/HD600). They decrease the Senns "airy" nature a bit (bad) while being more focused (good). I'd recommend them for the soundstage or the looks (which once you get use to the goofiness of the size ... is quite beautiful - these hold there own with the CD3K/R10/etc.). They have one big disadvantage though and it's why I just sold them this weekend - their weight compresses the pads significantly and it can be uncomfortable for longish listens. If one of the reasons you pick the Senns in the first place is their non-fatiguing nature, this can be an issue. It ended up being one I couldn't quite get over.


Honestly, I've never found weight to be a particular issue with my Senns or that they are fatiguing. Although I suppose any can that has added weight could become a problem. I'm having trouble picturing how the woodies have the compressing nature on the pads though...


It may not bother everyone, but the compression on the pads are visual. And keep in my the deep woodies have a lot more wood than the normal woodies (which I believe you have), thus more weight.

This is no criticism of Larrys/Headphiles work as a whole. I had him deep wood/C-pad my HF-1 the same time and very happy with them (finally a Grado with a soundstage).


I do currently own standard depth woodies, yes. In a sense I'm consdering "upgrading" them to deep and I guess I want some impression to see if it's worthwhile. As far as the weight goes, honestly I don't really care as I'm in a high back chair at home that I can use to help with that so...


I had him deep wood/C-pad my ... same time and very happy with them ....

yuck i didn't know he offered such services... Whatever floats yer boat!!!


i'm too much

  • 1 year later...

alright, i know this is an old thread, but i've become interested in getting some deep woodies for my HD580's because I need the isolation. so did you end up getting a pair of deep ones PFK?


alright, i know this is an old thread, but i've become interested in getting some deep woodies for my HD580's because I need the isolation. so did you end up getting a pair of deep ones PFK?

No I didn't. That said the woodies don't really provide isolation. You can still hear outside noise and they can still hear your music.


alright, i know this is an old thread, but i've become interested in getting some deep woodies for my HD580's because I need the isolation. so did you end up getting a pair of deep ones PFK?

How much isolation do you need? It always stuck me as a pretty bad idea to change the fundamental characteristics of a can (open to closed). I'm not saying that what other have experienced isn't a good change, only that for the cost of modifying the Senns you could buy another set of headphones entirely. And seriously, if closed/isolated is what you need the only thing that I've found that offers any real isolation is IEMs. Everything else seems to be in the 10db reduction category, which just doesn't cut it for isolation in my book. However, if what you need is just to limit sound leakage then that's a different story all together.

How much isolation do you need? It always stuck me as a pretty bad idea to change the fundamental characteristics of a can (open to closed). I'm not saying that what other have experienced isn't a good change, only that for the cost of modifying the Senns you could buy another set of headphones entirely. And seriously, if closed/isolated is what you need the only thing that I've found that offers any real isolation is IEMs. Everything else seems to be in the 10db reduction category, which just doesn't cut it for isolation in my book. However, if what you need is just to limit sound leakage then that's a different story all together.

that's a good point Nate. i mean i have ety er-4's, which, as you know, are amazing at blocking out sound, but I don't like wearing them for too long. i guess i don't need too much isolation, the real problem is that there are 4 little kids who live upstairs in my apartment, and i don't know what they're doing, but they're running above me is fucking loud. i talked to the parents about it, but obviously they can't stop the kids all the time. i spend most of my time at the library but when i want to listen to music, the running does get a bit on my nerves. was hoping that the woodies would help a bit, but i guess i'll just save the $300 and use it on something else.


Yeah, if it's an environmental variable like that I just don't think that full sized cans are going to cut it. If I were you I'd look into either custom IEMs or something that fits your ears better than the ER4Ps, assuming that comfort is the issue. I know that my ears hate the tri-flanges any more but can tolerate the foamies for hours. Weird since I used to wear the tri-flanges exclusively. I really wish Westone would get their act together and release their new universal so they can get started on the custom version. Seems to me that there's a pretty big hole in the sub $500 custom IEM range. I can't get myself to take a flier on the live-wires for some reason.


well it's not that the etys hurt, quite the opposite. i find the foamies to be extremely comfortable and have worn them for extended hours when at the library and such. the thing is that i prefer having headphones over my ears rather than in. custom IEM's are way too expensive for my blood and i'm even nervous about spending the $200 some dollars on senn woodies because I know I could use the money towards things i'm going to need while in med school. i guess i'll just have to bear with the noise and either talk to the parents again or find some other solution.


So skeptical of headphile woodying. Totally agree with n_maher's post re: changing the nature of a open can to closed and vice versa no matter how pretty (Or hideous in most cases that I've seen) the cuppage is. I reasonably respect blessingx's take on sound so I guess I'll buy that there is sonic manipulation to a very small degree but at best seems like a very minimal sideways change or degradation than anything else. Barffff.


Honestly, I don't know that i agreee that closed cans aren't isolating enough. My JVCs when I used them in my door seemed to block out more than enough noise. I guess IEMs would be better though/

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