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In a nutshell, I want a pico but I don't have a lot of stuff so perhaps there is something that I should buy before the Pico.

I feel that I don't have a good enough source, or perhaps my amp isn't good enough. Spending $500 on a pico should give me a significant difference since it is a combination of both right?

If I didn't buy the pico, I would've probably gotten a DENON DCD-CX3 SACD/CD player or a Yamamoto HA-02 to compliment my ATH-W1000..

Honestly, I'm very fickle and after taking the plunge at IEMs, Tomahawk, and that fricken ALO Cable... I felt that the money and time I spent into these wasn't spent wisely.

I want to make a right, or if not.. a good purchase that will improve my rig.

Thanks a lot guys.. my stuff is down there V


Desktop Computer->Optical out->DAC/AMP AT-HA25D->1/4 output

Laptop-> SAME DAC/AMP, but with 1/8->RCA instead

normal iPods. (ipod video 60gb, ipod classic 160gb)


Tomahawk (I don't really use it anymore because I don't use IEMs much + too much effort to lug it around)




MS-1 (bowl+flats)


SR-60s (with no more grills.. my friend lent it to me.. but doesn't want it back anymore)

ATH-CM700ti (titanium edition)



UE Super.fi 5 pro


ALO Jumbo cyro.. .. wasted because I don't use it with my Tomahawk anymore

Random Optical fiber cable

AT 1/8->RCA cable

ALO Splitter 1/4->2x1/4


A solid DAC/amp is never a bad idea, especially a USB one if you run from computer. It seems to me that you have some gear that you could flog off over at H-F to build up funds. Now, if you were to sell off the tommy, alo, and some of your lesser used cans you could probably fund one pretty good system rather than have a whole bunch of middling stuff.

I don't think the Pico is a bad decision by any means.


Yeah, that's a lot of gear you could downsize and still keep 3-4 headphones. Some things in there you can make a nice amount off of too. Pretty sure you could fund a Pico from selling stuff.


Yes, consolidation seems to be the thing I would do looking at your stable of equipment. The Pico would be a great additional to your setup. Of course, if you were to keep the W1000 the Yamamoto should also be in your future. But the Pico seems like it would be the first best move to make from here even if you never got to the Yamamoto. This assumes that you still want portability first.

Since you have the new iPod Classic you could think about the iTransport to feed a Yamamoto in the future as well or whatever you feel you need at that time. It all depends on what direction you want to take your setup; toward portability or fixed.

I would also get something other than the optical feed from your desktop that uses a USB. If you are using a windows based computer the S/DPIF is not very good, it is always providing a 48 kHz over-sample no matter what as I understand it.


ok ty guys for ur great insight.. also.. I forgot to mention I have a SR-325 too lol..

And.. what about those singlepower tube amps? Are they good for lower pendance headphones?


ok, I'll keep this amp in mind.. but what exactly does slam/non-slam mean? Sorry noob question >.<

Is the Extreme discountinued? I don't see it on the site. How is it different from the MPX3

Also, where would I get these tubes? Where do you guys get tubes? Singlepower doesn't sell those tubes.


ok, I'll keep this amp in mind.. but what exactly does slam/non-slam mean? Sorry noob question >.<

Is the Extreme discountinued? I don't see it on the site. How is it different from the MPX3

Also, where would I get these tubes? Where do you guys get tubes? Singlepower doesn't sell those tubes.

His site is painfully out of date (measured in years). You'll need to call and speak to Mikhail, if you want to buy anything from Singlepower.

I meant the Extreme for $999 + Shipping? Aren't those "stock" and not "to order" so maybe he wouldn't have to take months to "customize?"

I know sp is now turned into a built to order deal, but when the extreme was released not long ago I remember there were two distinct versions for 999 and 1899 or something like that and was under the impression that they are ready to be sold or at least ready to be built quickly in numbers...


what does "ready to be sold or at least ready to be built quickly in numbers...?" my point is that, with Singlepower, "stock" and "ready to be shipped" can mean anything. i love Mikhail's products, and he's a really nice guy, but the ordering situation has some problems.

Sadly, "it will be shipped today" also has many interpretations that do not involve standard definitions of those words.


Seems like this guy is really popular :doghuh: or is he just slow? >.<

Just slow, his amps are quite nice. He's also always been a really nice guy when I've interacted with him at meets. I just think demand has always outstripped his capacity and that he takes on way too much custom stuff that requires mountains of time.


Desktop Computer->Optical out->DAC/AMP AT-HA25D->1/4 output

Laptop-> SAME DAC/AMP, but with 1/8->RCA instead

normal iPods. (ipod video 60gb, ipod classic 160gb)


Tomahawk (I don't really use it anymore because I don't use IEMs much + too much effort to lug it around)




MS-1 (bowl+flats)


SR-60s (with no more grills.. my friend lent it to me.. but doesn't want it back anymore)

ATH-CM700ti (titanium edition)



UE Super.fi 5 pro


ALO Jumbo cyro.. .. wasted because I don't use it with my Tomahawk anymore

Random Optical fiber cable

AT 1/8->RCA cable

ALO Splitter 1/4->2x1/4

You don't need so many headphones. None of them sound very good, including the Grado 325i. The CM700Ti sounds decent with a home setup but not very good with a portable rig, making it kind of useless; I don't know why I keep it. Sell everything, including the 2 amps.

Get a sound card with bit-perfect digital out and good, used DAC.

Then, choose between a nice Stax headphone + amp setup or a dynamic headphone + amp.

You can go for a Pico if you want a portable rig, but to me portable rigs just don't sound competitive with a home rig. Yes, I have a Pico with DAC.


You can go for a Pico if you want a portable rig, but to me portable rigs just don't sound competitive with a home rig. Yes, I have a Pico with DAC.

Compared to this yes :P

The sf5p's don't need an amp unless you get noise, and with ipods they are fine. I think if you sell off all those audio technicas and random greydoughs and get one of those WOOD or ZOMG LEATHER ones people are crazy about that sound godlike better because dead tree pieces or dead cow skin is stretched all over it would be a fun plan.

W5000! VTG! L3000! UNITE!

Or since you are home all the time just keep the superfis and get speakers. Speakers are popular favourites of the now here at Room Case. KEFS FTW


You don't need so many headphones. None of them sound very good, including the Grado 325i. The CM700Ti sounds decent with a home setup but not very good with a portable rig, making it kind of useless; I don't know why I keep it. Sell everything, including the 2 amps.

Get a sound card with bit-perfect digital out and good, used DAC.

Then, choose between a nice Stax headphone + amp setup or a dynamic headphone + amp.

You can go for a Pico if you want a portable rig, but to me portable rigs just don't sound competitive with a home rig. Yes, I have a Pico with DAC.

Hmm, you do make a VERY important point.. thanks. I just keep going like.. ohh.. this looks ok.. I'll buy it! This too.. etc.. and thats how I ended up with my stuff. I'll start focusing on getting a high-end rig but that'll take some time, because I don't have enough money to buy 2x $4000 Stax Omegas.. although I really want one >.< (Damn I wish I had ur stuff)

Also.. speakers.. lol.. its something I have no idea of.. but I did take a look 2-3 months ago at this..

http://www.behringer.com/B2031/index.cfm?lang=eng It seems pretty cheap and is a good deal..

Then again I dunno if I should because its something completely different and requires more money -_- and I'm a poor high school student that eats cup noodles everyday.. (jk)

So.. speakers.. I don't even know where to start to be honest.. and thanks Elephas and co. ^_^


Guys, I've been thinking about what Elephas has been saying. I always enjoy his comments =\

STAX. SR-007A... ok now here's the problem. I can afford the earspeaker but not the amp at the same time, nor can I get a better source (other than computer to the pico I already ordered) to accompany it. Any cheap amp solutions or something?

Also, there are so many things I wanna buy and try like those ATH-A900tis (rip off? lol) and SENN 580... >.<

I don't want a cheaper stax.. cause.. they look nothing (and according to others..) sound nothing like the OMEGA2s.. if I could I would buy the SR-OMEGA but I have no idea where to find one, anyone know? Elephas help again? Thanks in advance~

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