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Anyone ever tried the Audio Technica ATC-HA4USB?

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I just got these in today after I got a good deal on eBay. I'm really surprised by how good these sound. It was hard to find information on these, but it seems they were released a few years ago (in 2003/2004). This is the japanese info page: http://www.audio-technica.co.jp/products/hp/pc/atc-ha4usb.html

I was just wondering if anyone else had come across these in their audio journey? If I can make the NE mini-meet, I'd be happy to bring em along. :)


Here are some quick pix (links cause they are semi-huge):



I've never heard of them. With what would you compare them?

To be honest, I'm not sure what I would compare them to. I do know that I would not compare them to the other AT cans I've heard (A500/A900). I did not like either of those as I thought they had a lifeless midrange. That doesn't seem to be the case here. I will get back to you as I listen some more.


After a little more listening, I feel these cans have a similar sound to the KSC-75's in that it has nice dynamics with an upfront sound. However, they are clearly a notch or two above the Koss. Comparing them to the KSC-75's, the treble is more detailed without any shrillness, the bass is improved both in quantity and quality, and the soundstage is slightly larger (although not quite on level with a HD580/600). Looks like I have the perfect laptop/work can...

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