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What other bands are in this vein?


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Oh yes I have to mention Larsen. They are one of the better post rock acts. Play is my favorite album by them.

Nest - Trail Of The Unwary is more ambient Finnish folk also one of my favorite albums of 2007.

decent summary of them:

Trail of the Unwary is the new album by Nest. A Finnish band that plays ambient and acoustic Folk, with musical themes inspired by Finland's forests, animals and well, nature in general. The main instrument being used is the ancient Finnish Kantele( a stringed instrument) I feel it gives the music a beautiful Medieval sound. Synths are used in a superb way along with lapland drums. According to Corvus, Nest's label in Bulgaria, Aggalloch's members contribute backing vox. I'm certain I hear J.Haughm singing on a couple of the tracks. For me, the music conjures up grace, honor and nobility. An outstanding brick of music. Along with "Novella Reservoir", TOTU will be in my years top albums. Highly recommended. Peace.

edit: and A Silver Mt. Zion is a GY!BE side project that is alright.

Samuel Jackson Five - Easily Misunderstood another decent post rock album.

Saxon Shore - The Exquisite Death Of Saxon Shore sort of like EitS, but more interesting.

And Russian Circles is a bit harder more post metal ala Jesu or Isis.

Saved the best for last. If you're only going to check out one then check out:

Six Organs of Admittance - School of The Flower. Hella awesome acoustic/ambient folk album.

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/School-Flower-Six-Organs-Admittance/dp/B0006L5S32]Amazon.com: School of the Flower: Six Organs of Admittance: Music[/ame]

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Talk Talk - Laughing Stock is one of the earliest albums in this genre and it's pretty awesome especially in context of when it was made.

Ghosts and Vodka is another band that would fit in here..

Do Make Say Think was my first thought but someone already posted it 8) They're awesome.

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