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how's the post editing time for you ? and how should it be long ?  

  1. 1. how's the post editing time for you ? and how should it be long ?

    • please make it longer (10 minutes / 1 hours)
    • please make it much longer ( 24h )
    • edit always available
    • 5 minutes it's enough

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I just read about this, and I found it too short. Believe it or not, sometimes I actually think about the post when editing, and find that while I'm sitting in the edit window, rephrasing and reworking something (shocking isn't it...), the time runs out and by the time I hit the save button I can't change it any more.

How about 10 mins?

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If the software allows it, a good idea would be to have the editing restrictions in place for the more contentious forums only. Forums such as Off-Topic, Music, or other ones where there isn't much potential for editing to cause shitfests can have unrestricted editing. Others where people throw hissy fits and try to delete evidence can have editing disabled or heavily restricted.


I would recommend people using the "Edit" function a lot to instead use the "Preview" function before posting. That way you'll have your post sitting on top of the editing window and not have to worry about any timers. :)


There's a time limit for editting?

Oh well. Not like I'm going to spend a lot of time spell chekcing of editrtting mylself hwerer.

I can typw all fuckedd up alala I awwant.



for me is definitely too short , I would leave it open for about 24hrs. ( personal ) ..

but even going 10/30 minutes would help me a bit when correcting my posts


5 min really is too short - on the other hand we don't have worries about bandwidth so another post afterwards doesn't hurt anyone right? only a few times do i remember someone going back in history and editing their stuff en masse - one is the one linked here, another was that monster one by lou on headfi - he wiped ALL his posts, EVER, going back years. yikes!

  • 3 weeks later...

You need enough time to sober up and for the drugs to wear off to find your about to loose all your friends from something you posted. We don't need any more of the "OMG, did I post that? Everybody will be laughing at thoes Naykid pictures of me for months." type of thing. Make it 24 hours for the safety of the members here. Or you can shorten the current time to spice things up around here. >:D :'( I like either one. :o


I'm a habitual editor of posts.. and just hit the 5 min limit on a few today. Dunno if it needs to be unlimited (tho I voted for that), but I'd like it to be at least an hour...




I'm a habitual editor of posts.. and just hit the 5 min limit on a few today. Dunno if it needs to be unlimited (tho I voted for that), but I'd like it to be at least an hour...

Haha same here. On many forums, I often post and edit my posts around three times or more within five minutes. Of course, I hit the five minute mark here at Head-Case a few times as well. I hate it when forums don't allow editting. I understand the "Proofread before you post or be sorry later!" remarks, but argh. :D

  • 1 year later...

Just curious, but why do people do that!? I hate it when the price gets edited out.

So that the buyer can sell it later without having the baggage of what they paid being part of the equation.


Baggage? Unless you are a dick and try to make money off of your used purchases, that shouldn't be a problem. I just think it is lame, and frustrating... makes finding the value of an item difficult when you have to wade through a bunch of threads that just say $OLD. ;)


How is looking to sell for what something is worth being a dick, commie?

Price paid is irrelevant in a value calculation. Value is what the buyer and seller agree it is. Lots of things factor in, including how quickly the seller needs the money, whether he's being generous, etc.


but on this forum we can delete the listing all together if we wanted to clear any baggage....

i say no way on the editing of the price..fuck that, it happens on a public forum it should be researched on a public forum.

oh and i love cherry pop tarts

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