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Fuck in snow

Salt Peanuts

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Still blowing like hell here and snowing as well. My employer will be open tomorrow, barring a power outage, but I don't have to go in and can work from home... or not. Let me think about that for a second...

oh yeah, I think I'll stay home :) And take the day off :rofl:

I actually feel sorrier for those who have to deal with ice. Our power flickered a couple of times earlier this evening, but so far so good. Ice on lines can't be good. And roads. Everyone stay safe.

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Let the dog out and have a 3' drift across the door. 800+ schools closed in the area. One major artery is closed due to cars stuck in 4' drifts.

Snow still coming down @ 1-2 inches per hour. I'll have to clear the drive and then decide if I want to travel to work.

Mike, sounds like Chicago metro area really got slammed. Reports are it is much worse there than my side of the lake.

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Looking out the window, looks like our streets are not plowed at all. I'd guess about 2-3 foot drifts, not sure how much actual snowfall. Maybe 10"? Mostly it's the wind creating massive drifts. I'll have to dig a path out for the pugs since the drifts are higher than they are! Right now, looks like a lull in the storm, but I think they predict another full day of this.

School today was already cancelled as of yesterday afternoon. Fortunately, both of our hospitals have cancelled all outpatient visits and said we don't have to come in, since all we do is outpatient. Good thing, since I had already told our nanny not to risk driving to us today. Although both hospitals said they reserve the right to call us in if they are desperate for doctors in other areas like the ER or inpatient. Assuming we can even drive on the streets! Our assistant medical director apparently stayed overnight in the hospital, to be sure at least one person in our department was there.

So, might actually be a nice family day inside for us!

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We got about 8" yesterday (round 1) so I cleared the driveway last night when I got home. It's snowing at a pretty good clip again now and projected to snow all day like this and perhaps get even heavier. I'll be surprised if we get more than a foot today but that on top of the 3' or so we've gotten in the last few weeks will be pretty brutal to deal with. I'm just hoping we avoid the epic winds that others are describing.

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Cleared the drive (Hour and a half with a commercial 2-stage snowblower for a typically 15 - 20 minute job), got stuck in 4 wheel drive at the end of the street. Made it to work. WTF. No one there. Double checked - no voice mails, no emails. Checked the list of closed businesses. Nope, we're not on it. Drove back home. 5 lane roads were down to two. Several stuck vehicles and hardly any one on the road. Just sent the owner who made a big deal about showing up for work today to ask what happened rolleyes.gif. Weather reports 13 inches of snow over night.

Mike and John, you clearly got hit much harder than we did. our storm is not as bad as '79 and certainly not as bad as '67.

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