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Squeezebox or Sound Card


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I've been thinking about getting a squeezebox or a sound card with bit-perfect output. I'll be feeding the digital out from the squeezebox or sound card to the digital input on the Opus 21 (coax in only).

The squeezebox would be the more convenient solution but I really hate the slimserver software. The last time I really used it, was early this year (february or march) and I couldn't stand it. It was slow, and seemed very buggy. Has it improved at all?

Now if I go the sound card route, it'd be cheaper as I'd just need something with a good digital out (coax). Plus I'd get the benefit of using foobar which I absolutely love. The downside to the sound card idea is that I'd have to go with a very long coax run, 20-25 ft. That might not even be a downside but I've always heard that its best to avoid long runs like that.

Any thoughts?

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I treat slimserver much like I treat the Zune software. It's a necessary means to an end. Once you get your library loaded (which can be a bit of a pain) there's just no beating the Squeezebox interface. I haven't experience problems with speed or bugginess really, what exactly was happening?

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Any thoughts?
Yeah -- I agree that the long coax run sounds like a bad idea. Another possibility (albeit kludgey) would be to get an external soundcard (which is essentially what the Squeezebox is), and make half the run your Firewire or USB cable, and the other half your coax -- I.E. put the box halfway where it's going. (Or [roughly] a third -- firewire/USB; digital cable; analog cable.) This would have the additional benefit of getting it away from the computer.
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Dusty thats a pretty good idea, I'm looking at th

Yeah -- I agree that the long coax run sounds like a bad idea. Another possibility (albeit kludgey) would be to get an external soundcard (which is essentially what the Squeezebox is), and make half the run your Firewire or USB cable, and the other half your coax -- I.E. put the box halfway where it's going. (Or [roughly] a third -- firewire/USB; digital cable; analog cable.) This would have the additional benefit of getting it away from the computer.

Thats a pretty good idea, I'm taking a look at the EMU-0404 USB right now.

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I rarely use the web interface for slimserver, just the squeezebox interface...but it has gotten better. The most recent update is pretty good. Apparently there's a beta version 7 called squeeze solution or squeeze your mom:


There it is: SqueezeCenter 7 I haven't tried it yet, but I'm going to try it soon.... a few people have mentioned that it's an improvement over at HF.

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I guess I'm confused as to how the remote soundcard would be helpful unless you're setting up playlists and then going into the other room. Or would you use a laptop to take over the host computer (or something like that) so that the lappy was serving the same function as the Squeezebox? To me the whole point of the SB is to get me away from the host yet still allow me to easily browse the file library.

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I rarely use the web interface for slimserver, just the squeezebox interface...but it has gotten better. The most recent update is pretty good. Apparently there's a beta version 7 called squeeze solution or squeeze your mom:


There it is: SqueezeCenter 7 I haven't tried it yet, but I'm going to try it soon.... a few people have mentioned that it's an improvement over at HF.

Huh, I hadn't seen that before. I think I'll give it a shop later tonight after I'm done with some work.

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I'm a big fan of the 0404usb for several reasons, not the last of which is the fact I can easily have two sources connected to it (one usb, one spdif). And additionally, a third via the analog inputs (which default to hard panned L and R), though I've only tested this, I don't use it regularly. All inputs are mixed to the output in "direct monitor" mode.

I like it over something like the squeezebox because the interface is, well, there isn't one. It's just my computer's output. Afterthe horror that was the audiotron, I prefer interface transparency.

In your solution you could use a very long USB cable (they make em with a mini-hub/repeater for >25' runs) and not worry about the spdif signal issues.

Of course, any other usb type interface would work, though figuring out which ones use which dacs can be a pain.

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If you do try it out let us know how it is.

Well, I tried it on my Mac, and it didn't work too well, at least with Safari. It had some rendering problem with Safari making it near impossible to use. I didn't bother trying it with other browsers since Safari is my main browser and I don't like needing to use a different browser just for Squeezebox. It did look a lot nicer, though. It may very well work fine on PC but I haven't tried it yet.

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I've tried Indigo Echo DJ, 0404USB and SBv3, etc. In the end, I've sold the others and kept SBv3. Running SBv3 to miniDAC to XLR out HD580 or SE out to K271S. This is proving to be a great compact/remote system that I can lay out in the living room.

It depends on your usage profile. eg, if you're glued to your laptop 24/7 whereever you go, Echo DJ fits the bill. 0404USB needs PC to feed or other digital source -- highly flexible device -- but ultimately tethers you to the source or PC.

The operative word for SBv3 is 'remote', ie untethered. Works flawlessly for me, and as others have noted, using the SB interface itself (with remote control) is near idiot proof in simplicity. I'm on Win XP system btw.

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Well I installed the newer SqueezeCenter 7.0 software last night and I think I like it. It scrobbles Last.FM too (if the old version did that, I was unaware of it).

The web interface is improved, but still very similar to 6.5.X So if you don't like that interface then you might not like the new thing. The Squeezebox updated it's firmware but seems to function much like it did before so I don't notice much of a change. the cool thing is I don't have to log into squeezenetwork to get on my Pandora stations...I can do it right fromt he main menu now.

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Well I installed the newer SqueezeCenter 7.0 software last night and I think I like it. It scrobbles Last.FM too (if the old version did that, I was unaware of it).

The web interface is improved, but still very similar to 6.5.X So if you don't like that interface then you might not like the new thing. The Squeezebox updated it's firmware but seems to function much like it did before so I don't notice much of a change. the cool thing is I don't have to log into squeezenetwork to get on my Pandora stations...I can do it right fromt he main menu now.

Stephen, are you a Mac user, and if so, what browser are you using? I just couldn't get SqueezeCenter to work on my Mac.

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