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Needing direction... from experienced people!

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For the type of music I listen to - 70% Baroque chamber 20% orchestral and 10% new age -, I am finding my current equipment almost lacking. FYI, Denon DCP-150 > CEC HD53R > Ultrasone Edition 9.

Perhaps I have been misinformed in how to properly develop a rig, since I was trying to go all portable and dropping $500 on a vintage PCDP, another $1000 on a full-sized closed headphone with tons of isolation and foldability, and $400 for an entry level AC-powered amp, just to get in the game. Yes the amp was bought while Head-fi was down - buying in the dark for kicks, and before I discovered head-case.

I recently discovered that my current CEC HD53R amp isn't exactly the best synergy with the ED9, compared to other headphones like the GS1K, or even the AKG K701. It also seems like a lot of ED9 users have extremely expensive tube amps which I'm not quite in for, yet. I have tried other headphone amps, mostly Japanese one's, and to my ears, I feel that the ED9 tone is only good for new age genre's.

In general, I'm not very satisifed with my rig now. I love everything about the ED9's except for the strangely presented mids, which almost slaughters any vocal or warm violins I listen to. It does sound very nice with my new age collection though. I'm in a little debate of letting go of the ED9s for more suitable headphones, in fear of missing its nice soundstage, bass, smoothness and transportability.

Should I sell some of my components? Maybe go for a proper source? Or another headphone for the 90% of my listening time?

Let's say I sell everything I currently have: $270 in limbo for new DAP, $150 for my ATH-EW9 since I already have portable cans, $400 for my Denon DCP-150, and even my ED9s for $900. Total $1720 for a fresh start with right source + headphones, sounds about right? Maybe even add in $400 if I want a new start with a different amp.

I am currently eye'ing on the HeadRoom Ultra stack to use with my laptop and an undecided headphone(s) for mainly chamber and orchestral classical.

I'm confused, but would like to make an informed decision. All suggestions appreciated! I tried the AT W5000 which was recommended for me in some other threads, but I didn't find the right fit, and I didn't not immediately like its tone.


I don't use my computer as a transport and I'm not familiar with that specific HeadRoom product, so I'm not the best to advise there, but I highly recommend HD600s as they are wonderful with the music you like and seem to take better to a variety of amps than the 650s do. I do like that you're thinking about a system as a whole. I think others here have more experience than I with what you might need.


If you prefer to keep things simple one possibility would be the Headroom Balanced Desktop w/ the Home/Home module options -> balanced HD600 or 650. I'm pretty sure you could get into that and that it would sound significantly better than your current rig (based on my impression of the ED9s in better rigs).

Otherwise, if you want to keep your components separate there's way to many choices to run through. My only advice would be to budget equal parts for both your source and your amp, going overboard on either one never makes any sense to me. And I tend to spend the least amount of $$ on the headphone part of the equation, there are lots of good headphones under $400 and I have yet to hear twice the performance from the next tier.


I've heard the new balanced desktops from Headroom with both 650s and K701s. I'm highly prejudiced about the 650s with most amps, but in this case, they sound very good, and if you were going this route, I would recommend them over the 600s.


You don't even need to spend $300 on a balanced cable. You can reterminate the HD650 stock cable (which in my opinion is very good).

For what it is worth I preferred the stock cable to a Cardas cable.


If you can find a Yamamoto HA-02, see how it sounds to you with your UE9s. I love mine but I may not know the difference where you would. I think the mids is where the HA-02 takes care of the UE9s for me.

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