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Help purchasing headphones for my mother (closed, K1000?)

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So my mom really likes the K1000, but someone told her -- and I agree -- that she'd probably have better luck with closed headphones (she's essentially deaf -- but it's not attenuated deafness, it's more like tinnitus deafness -- high noise-floor and distortion that gets accentuated by bass notes).

So, criteria are: closed, clean, airy, bass-light (I know, K1000's aren't bass-light, but she doesn't have anything special in the way of ampage...and it's still a criteria).

Any suggestions? I'm thinking Sony MDR-V6...? At low volumes, it would seem bass-light, since the treble is so high in proportion.

EDIT: Most of this has been superceded here.


maybe k501's?

senn hd280's are -very- closed and bass-light, though they can have some funky 20-45hz action due to how well they seal.

If she has tinnitus, wouldn't a closed can and lower volumes make it more noticable? (Though I suppose a listening habit that doesn't exacerbate it would be a good idea).


A Stax SR-X Mk3 sounds close to what you're looking for. They're closed and the bass is rolled off, but they have a nice clean midrange and good highs. Not exactly airy but I haven't found many closed headphones that are and they aren't exactly constrained either. The trick would be finding a pair as they're old not exactly common. On top of that they'd need a proper amp with a Stax energizer. Usually if you find some on ebay they'll come with a SRD-6 or SRD-7. Wouldn't break the bank either if you already have an amp to use I paid about US$90 for mine with the energizer although prices are a bit higher these days.


The K501's are a good suggestion when underamped, but they're no longer being made, right? What about the K601's?

I didn't know the W5000 was bass-light, I may have to try a pair, now.

Thanks for the suggestions, feel free to keep them coming. How about something in the lower end of the Audio-Technica closed line? Maybe I should get a pair of the A500's, after all, since I was talking about getting a pair in that other thread.

Worst case, I may have to give her an EQ to get rid of the bass frequencies (they seem to trigger some kind of distortion in her ears).

Nice spoiling your momma with K1000s. :)
Don't get me started -- that was just before they got discontinued, so I was sure I could get another pair for US$3xx, which is what I paid for the ones I gave her, formerly known as mine. They're pretty much the only ones she could hear anything on. In hindsight, I had no idea how generous I was being. I'm not saying I wouldn't have done it anyway, but if I knew then how long I'd be without a pair, I would have at least slept on it a couple more nights.

A Stax SR-X Mk3 sounds close to what you're looking for.

I unfortunately don't think the SR-X MKIII would be the optimal choice simply due to its poor comfort in my opinion.


I unfortunately don't think the SR-X MKIII would be the optimal choice simply due to its poor comfort in my opinion.

I always found them really comfortable but maybe it's just me. I have heard some say the arch presses on their head which I could imagine being a problem.


ATH-W series and ATH-A series do not have much to do with each other in terms of tonality, careful...

The VTG/JPN/L3K don't sound at all like any of the other Ws either. The AD2k is also very different from the other ADs or As.


The W5000 doesn't sound remotely like a K1000 though :-\

Harsh upper midrange and odd tonality is something the K1000 doesn't have.

You are talking about poorly driven W5000. It can be just fine.

Oh, and metallic highs is something I hear often about poorly driven K1ks xD


I've heard them with very good amps and sources.

And I used Larocco PRII and the Micro DAC...why did I not have the issue ???

I tried a number of amplifiers at meets. Something like a Millet Hybrid or M^3 - no harshness. Plug it into a Gilmore design - harshness is only the beginning of what sounded wrong.


And I used Larocco PRII and the Micro DAC...why did I not have the issue ???

I tried a number of amplifiers at meets. Something like a Millet Hybrid or M^3 - no harshness. Plug it into a Gilmore design - harshness is only the beginning of what sounded wrong.



And I used Larocco PRII and the Micro DAC...why did I not have the issue ???

I tried a number of amplifiers at meets. Something like a Millet Hybrid or M^3 - no harshness. Plug it into a Gilmore design - harshness is only the beginning of what sounded wrong.

I've heard them with an M^3 configured very close to my old one, still had that upper midrange harshness that made them sound like crap.

The M^3 is a great amp, I doubt it was under driving them.


I've heard them with an M^3 configured very close to my old one, still had that upper midrange harshness that made them sound like crap.

The M^3 is a great amp, I doubt it was under driving them.

Well then I am glad to have my ears xD

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