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PJ's Magick Kingdom Adventure


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PJ's Magick Kingdom Adventure, OR the big TGiving Disney World Trip

Catching my connecting flight in Hotlanta Joja atm. Saw one of these pay terminals and thought I'd get on to say hello! The metal keyboard on this bitch is badass, I want to have stainless keys at my home.

The big news is I got to test out my ER4P on the flight up, and it was a fantastic experience! I listened to several dead jams and was very impressed at the sound. Really everything was in its right place, PERFECT highs, nice bass, neutral mids. All in all the whole shuffle -> er4p experience was strongly reminiscent of the HP2 out of a home amp, only with less detail, more soundstage smearing (probably more a product of the MP3), less liquid midranges, and muddier bass. But even the fact that they are somewhat tonally similar is impressive to me.

yay disney, woot!! :dance:

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he hides a dark, violent side, i'm sure.


are you listening to your Dark Passenger, pj? do you feel the invisible wings unfurl? does your hungry watcher snarl at the shadows of those around you?

Man, I love that show. I can't wait for the 2nd season to come out on DVD so I can watch it the whole thing. Damn not having Showtime.

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That would rock, though I think Jack is more of a pacifist what with all the Dead, Ray Adams and Boy George he listens to :)

I don't think Boy George is a pacifist. Didn't he just get arrested for having some young thing handcuffed in his basement, or somesuch? Or perhaps you were thinking of a different kind of Dinsey.

postjack, have fun.

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