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If I were cynical I'd say she's a savant, but she seems pretty normal to me. Great stuff for a 6-year old.

Damn, why can't I have musical talent? All I can do is play decently on trumpet (drops out beyond a G...probably an embouchure issue, I dunno) and do riffs on guitar.


Yeah - it just amazes me when I see this kind of talent at such a young age. Practice is one thing - but at 6 yrs old theres more to it than just practice. Some folks are just born with it.


i don't doubt hard work and practice plays a big role, but it can't be denied that some people are just more gifted at certain things.

i'm working overseas at the moment, and i'm dedicating quite a bit of time to learn the language. i have a friend who doesn't study at all, but simply absorbs by watching tv programs.

her grasp of the language far surpasses mine.


I have a twin brother who is an amazing artist whereas I can't draw a stick figure right. You can look at pictures we did when we were two and three (yes, my mother saved them all), and there's a big difference. We we were four, we were in the same kindergarten class. I remember distinctly having to draw a picture of the state bird, flower, tree, etc. I looked over at his bird, and it looked like a bird. Mine didn't. He didn't draw any more or less than I did, but from day one it seems he had a certain talent.


I have a sister who is like that with art too. When we were little she would draw the pictures for me to color instead of a coloring book. And both of my sisters are very talented musicians. We all had the same musical training from a very young age & we were all competetive, but I had to work 3 times as hard to be even close to where they were. ( they both have the crazy laugh >:D) I do think exposure helps - but you can only go so far on practice alone.


Looks like a head case to me.

But those kids are entirely something else. Hope they grow up to be great well balanced musicians.

Doubtful. I'd be willing to put money on the fact that in most cases, virtuoso kids (or top kid athletes, or whatever) have felt a sort of vague world-crushing sensation from their parents for as long as they can remember, and would probably like to just go play nintendo wii for a bit.

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