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Well I tried, and yes he deleted it. (and pretty damn fast too, like 10-20 seconds. Got a PM from Jude saying he will not tolerate the mention of head-case on his site.

Just stating the obvious; odds are it's an automated response in a posting filter.


I got catch in one of Joschmo's images in my last post. I am really glad that there is some moderation there...based on what I saw. Thanks for ridding the thread of it, reks....

Yeah...pretty nasty. As soon as they were up, they were gone. Makes you wonder where Joschmo got all those pics... :dance:

Just stating the obvious; odds are it's an automated response in a posting filter.

I don't know enough about vBulletin to know how it works but that would sound like an odd filter if it lets you post something and then scans it later rejecting the whole post. A straight word filter would seem less effort and provide more potential amusement. It'd be hilarious if they word filtered "head-case" to "PENIS" or something.


I don't know enough about vBulletin to know how it works but that would sound like an odd filter if it lets you post something and then scans it later rejecting the whole post. A straight word filter would seem less effort and provide more potential amusement. It'd be hilarious if they word filtered "head-case" to "PENIS" or something.

If a post-message filter/process can take swear words and replace them with asterisks it can certainly send the op an email stating that such topics are verboten. Almost anything is possible with computers if one had the talent, time and motivation to do it.


If a post-message filter/process can take swear words and replace them with asterisks it can certainly send the op an email stating that such topics are verboten. Almost anything is possible with computers if one had the talent, time and motivation to do it.

Sure but that sort of thing usually isn't standard functionality and Jude doesn't strike me as the coder type. Anything's possible though.


If a post-message filter/process can take swear words and replace them with asterisks it can certainly send the op an email stating that such topics are verboten. Almost anything is possible with computers if one had the talent, time and motivation to do it.

Yes, this is a filter. The asterisk replacement and PM notice is an automated and immediate software response. As to whether the Head-Case link removal is an automated process, the clue is if the removal is immediate and/or if there is always an immediate e-mail from Jude that is standardized. If there is, then it is automatic. If there is a variation in time or if it takes on the order of many seconds or minutes, then we know it is not. If the e-mail content is personalized, then the e-mail itself is not automated.


Well I tried, and yes he deleted it. (and pretty damn fast too, like 10-20 seconds. Got a PM from Jude saying he will not tolerate the mention of head-case on his site.

So on Head-Fi this site, "Head-Case," has become "THE SITE That Can Not Be Named."

yep, pretty much.

Maybe Head-Case should become a sponsor of Head-Fi. Then you would have a link on every page! ;)


Why should it matter if it's deleted or not? Jude doesn't want the references, what's there to bitch about? If you really want head-case to be bigger, sponser portal search links. When I research a headphone I google search first, FWIW, to check out current prices as well as availability and any impressions.


Well, the other problem with that scenario is that I doubt anyone here wants to give money to Head-Fi, considering we're treated on the same level as expletives.

I just renewed my contribution last month. Jude has created a community. Some don't like his methods, but head-fi is his creation. Those that object to either him or the site don't have to visit or can get themselves banned or both. I personally don't have a problem with him or his choices since it's his site and I and others have benefited from it. I understand that others here have a different history than I do, but my experience has been favorable. I do have issues with the general direction head-fi is going, which has more to do with its size, and the overwhelming volume of posts from people who do not seem interested in audio gear and music in the same way that I am, so I found my way here. If head-case needed a financial contribution, I'd make one. I also give to the local public radio and tv stations. Why not? I value all.

One reason I like it here is that I know some people will disagree with me about all that, but it's okay. I'm allowed to say I like head-fi and respect Jude, even if I disagree with some things, and those who think otherwise can call me an ass, or whatever, but I can say it. What I find disconcerting is not the people who flat out hate head-fi, but those whom I see on that site kissing butt, being all pro-head-fi, and then coming here and kissing butt and being all anti. I see that from both new members and from some who have been around for awhile. That disingenuousness is ugly.


Well, obviously there are going to be individual exceptions to my statement, but the ones paying the bills (which, admittedly, includes grawk) -- I.E. the ones representing head-case as an entity -- I can't see them coming to a consensus on buying ad space on Head-Fi, considering how Head-Case is treated as an entity.

At least, that's how my statement was intended, even if it wasn't what I said.

And for the record, I have no problems with those that love that part of head-fi which is worth loving; even you, grawk (for whom I almost made an exception in my previous post, before my thoughts were more fully formed, and I realized I didn't mean individuals). I understand it. L, I used to be one of those people. And I hardly have the animosity for Jude & co. that, say, edipisrex does, but I'm hardly in grawk's extreme either -- I'm somewhere between the two.

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