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This shot is particularly good. Nice use of natural light. Being the retentive photographer that I am, I'd crop out that little strip of blue on the right. I find it kind of distracting.

Those cans are the "Highly Furry Ones?" :laugh:


Good call on the blue strip. :)

I got some surprisingly good shots of Penny there [That would be the mom, Penny Lane] with that crappy camera. We have a third cat as well, but he is a little too spastic to get in a headphone picture... though he makes a good lap cat.



We have a third cat as well, but he is a little too spastic to get in a headphone picture... though he makes a good lap cat.

Crikey, that's one ferocious looking beast. :o

[The amp, that is. The cat looks rather sedate in that shot.] ;D


She slept with me last night.

Oh, and I just wanted to commend everyone for avoiding those "that's the closest you're going to get to pussy" and "finally found a female you can keep satisfied, huh?" jokes. Took my coworkers/friends IRL all of 5 seconds to come up with those.


She slept with me last night.

Oh, and I just wanted to commend everyone for avoiding those "that's the closest you're going to get to pussy" and "finally found a female you can keep satisfied, huh?" jokes. Took my coworkers/friends IRL all of 5 seconds to come up with those.

Glad you are happy, Peter.

  • 2 months later...

Home movies, nothing special, but near and dear to my heart. This is the total-cuteness-overload that I wake up to every morning:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLA5qxO3Ru4]YouTube - What I wake up to[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXpIYiM-ZFg]YouTube - What I wake up to, II[/ame]

...and this is ceiling cat's perspective:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTCbwXxd8c4]YouTube - Ceiling Cat's Perspective[/ame]


Nice cat, Dusty. My cat of one month has turned into a noisy terror. I took him to the vet again yesterday for his booster shot, and he fought the vet and the techs (three) so hard, even after they got him in a cat bag, he kept fighting, and so nothing doing, no shot for him. They told me I couldn't get him fixed until after he'd had his second shot, but relented out of pity, and he'll get fixed in two weeks. Hopefully, he'll stop his all-night yowling. They'll give him the booster after they knock him out. The vet named him Ivan the Terrible, and put it in the computer that way. :kitty:


That's funny because Persians are typically the most docile of cat breeds.

We have that one and a big dumb lug of a sealpoint who is more like they're supposed to be. Purrs at the vet and wants to be everyones friend. Dumb as a box of hair and only complains when the thermometer comes out :o

Hamish though, is a crazed psychotic with paranoid delusions and a mean streak. Hates everyone except me, and even that's only grudgingly.

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