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It seemed to me that the questions were reasonable, and since you ARE rudi's point person for north america, you're the right person to ask, right? When you post pictures for comments, it seems reasonable to get comments...even negative ones.


It seems that you can not modify your posts now...not evne for spelling, is that the freedom you are talking about???

You have yourself to thank for that, this thread was perfectly fine, I didn't even mind that you edited some of your posts. I did however mind when you removed your first post which was your attempt at making this thread useless and hoping it would be removed.


Freedom doesn't imply the ability to take back what you say...

yest that is part of the freedom, but evne though, I did not take back what I said, I felt it useless, that is different, if I could I would deleted the whole thread, I even asked for it...BTW who knows me, knows pretty well that I always stand on my points of view, just that I felt really attacked instead of questioned, that was why maybe I overeacted...


You have yourself to thank for that, this thread was perfectly fine, I didn't even mind that you edited some of your posts. I did however mind when you removed your first post which was your attempt at making this thread useless and hoping it would be removed.

Please as you are aware English is not my native language, and I have a lot of mispellings and grammatical errors, I really appreciate that you activate as everybody elsecan do my "edit" capability...please...!!!


It seems that you can not modify your posts now...not evne for spelling, is that the freedom you are talking about???

It's a great policy if you ask me, this way lying dipshits (not saying you are one), worthless trolling cockmonkeys, and whiny little assholes have their stupidity preserved for all to see and mock. And if you can't type a post out right the first time, use a wordprocessor, run the fucking spellcheck, then copy & paste it here. It's not that hard.


ECC82, four single ended hybrid amps, that is why you see four tubes there...

Yeah, I read that in the write-up (about it being "quad-mono").

sovk -- you shouldn't have felt attacked -- you over-reacted. They were questions, the criticisms were minor. I, for one, would appreciate it if you discussed this amp openly -- it seems, at least on paper, like a cool design. I, for example, know little about Rudistor amps.


come on drama queens give it at a rest.

who gives a shit? let it go and move on. it's a fucking headphone amp, let's all grow up and talka bout pretzels? OK?



I can't even edit my posts, and all just becasue I opened a thread, about a new produts, and instead of questions about the new product, as I would do with any other manufacturer poster, or as anybody in my shoes that is posting about a new toy is expecting, all I got was negative comments and criticism about things that you don't even know how are, so I felt it completelly useless, and after a few of those posts, I wanted it to be deleted...

BTW I was told yesterday by the person who invite me to this new place, that we could discuss WITH FREEDOM here, an that it will be a forum completelly different from the ones I was a member before, I was really optimistic about that idea, and that was the first place I posted about this amp in public, honestly it was my first thread and I felt so bad, that I wanted it to be completelly removed....And how do you think I feel now? Unless things change...I feel here more pressure and worst than in any other place i was posting before...honestly.

I will repost some of the advantages of this topology, according to Rudi email, but when I chill out a little bit..... ;D

let's all grow up and talka bout pretzels? OK?


Boobies are better than pretzels.

Anyway, back on topic. Hybrid with ECC82 tubes, well, I'm sure it's a decent amp with what looks to be great build quality but I'll scratch it off my list. I'm trying to remove as much silicon from my gear as possible these days.


I can't even edit my posts, and all just becasue I opened a thread, about a new produts, and instead of questions about the new product, as I would do with any other manufacturer poster, or as anybody in my shoes that is posting about a new toy is expecting, all I got was negative comments and criticism about things that you don't even know how are, so I felt it completelly useless, and after a few of those posts, I wanted it to be deleted...

BTW I was told yesterday by the person who invite me to this new place, that we could discuss WITH FREEDOM here, an that it will be a forum completelly different from the ones I was a member before, I was really optmistic about that idea, and that was the first place i posted about htis amp in public, honestly it was my first thread and I felt so bad, that I wanted it to be completelly removed....And how do you think I feel now? Unless things change...I feel here more pressure and worst than in any other place i was posting before...honestly.

dood get a grip. If your going to be such a whining vagina about all of this, just do us all a favor and leave. Roll with the punches. No one attacked you, you are seeking negative attention and apparantly you have gotten it. In order for this place to hve "freedom" doesn't mean we all need to kiss your ass or say whatever you want to hear. Welcome to the real world, where people are called on their bullshit, you don't have the mercy of moderation to protect you from your own non-sense. If you feel you regret what you had said, excercise judgement and prudence and don't say stupid shit.

No one gives a shit or is shedding atear for you. Save some face and just roll with the punches, otherwise no one cares.


You want criticism, sure i can do that.

Well one thing for sure, its a whole lot better than the italian built crap of 2 years ago. Real etched circuit boards.

No more silver plated copper wire reinforcement to make up for hand etched boards.

But it really is the same basic circuit which is a no feedback circuit with a single gain tube and a common emitter follower

into a low impedance resistor. And 4 of these amplifiers, two for each channel when a a balanced input is used.

Somewhere, and now deleted it said that the output impedance was virtually zero. I don't think so. Likely 5 to 10 ohms

per amp, double that balanced. For low impedance phones its definitely an issue.

It is not immediately apparent that you can actually get balanced output from an unbalanced input.

Whats up with the hand made copper box around the output jacks.

Where is the picture of the power supply box.

How much noise does the fan make.

Still i give rudi a B+ for the effort involved.

This thing is not going to be cheap. There is $800 in pots alone. Probably $3500 to $5000 USD.


Whomever wants info about Rudistor products, can contact me using the email on the site...I will gladly answer the emails...Hope to see some of your faces on the meeting at least laughing while listening that amp...

I can't even edit my posts, and all just becasue I opened a thread, about a new produts, and instead of questions about the new product, as I would do with any other manufacturer poster, or as anybody in my shoes that is posting about a new toy is expecting, all I got was negative comments and criticism about things that you don't even know how are, so I felt it completelly useless, and after a few of those posts, I wanted it to be deleted...

BTW I was told yesterday by the person who invite me to this new place, that we could discuss WITH FREEDOM here, an that it will be a forum completelly different from the ones I was a member before, I was really optimistic about that idea, and that was the first place I posted about this amp in public, honestly it was my first thread and I felt so bad, that I wanted it to be completelly removed....And how do you think I feel now? Unless things change...I feel here more pressure and worst than in any other place i was posting before...honestly.

What part of "don't be a whiny little shit" did you not understand? When people tell you to stop fucking whining, you should stop fucking whining. But no, you decide to whine & cry some more about the fact that people asked to you grow the fuck up and quit acting like a spoiled little cumstain. Which shows a complete lack of maturity to say the least, and you deserve every bit of ridicule that comes your way. So here's a piece of advice. Suck it up and be a man, and stop crying like a bitch or you'll get slapped around some more.


Whomever wants info about Rudistor products, can contact me using the email on the site...I will gladly answer the emails...Hope to see some of your faces on the meeting at least laughing while listening that amp...

Honestly. We are all adults here. Part of the rules here is that you do have the freedom to say as you please, yet with that comes the price that you don't act dishonest or test the limits of everyones patience because your the angry man and you are treated unfairly. We all receive the same treatment. I'll admit I took a harsh tone with you, but it's my liberty do so, just as it's yuor liberty to bitch and moan.

We can still be friends, and still have discussions on here, just please understand that your attitude on expecting protection from your own comments is rediculous and unfair. Why should people take back what they say? I only trust adn respect a man of his word, and though tempting as it may be to take them back, you are reducing trust and manipulating context by retracting what you say.

We all make mistakes, we all come off liek ad ick sometiems, we all make fools of ourselves now and then.. Part of the respect comes in knowing when to take it, and when to get upset and or bust out your soap box. You in general seem to never get off yoru soap bux. That is a good reason why alot of people really don't like reading your posts. There might be other reasons why, but that is the reason I think you are really annoying.

Anyway in light of that, your free to say wahtever you want, as well as ignore each and every offender who has the audacity to put you in your place.


Hmmm, I think we need to get a built in spellchecker because MJG's posts are driving me fucking nuts. >:D

Sov - Nobody means you harm here... except maybe aerius :P... so just relax, take a deep breath and pretend that little drama didn't happen.


Honestly. We are all adults here. Part of the rules here is that you do have the freedom to say as you please, yet with that comes the price that you don't act dishonest or test the limits of everyones patience because your the angry man and you are treated unfairly. We all receive the same treatment. I'll admit I took a harsh tone with you, but it's my liberty do so, just as it's yuor liberty to bitch and moan.

We can still be friends, and still have discussions on here, just please understand that your attitude on expecting protection from your own comments is rediculous and unfair. Why should people take back what they say? I only trust adn respect a man of his word, and though tempting as it may be to take them back, you are reducing trust and manipulating context by retracting what you say.

We all make mistakes, we all come off liek ad ick sometiems, we all make fools of ourselves now and then.. Part of the respect comes in knowing when to take it, and when to get upset and or bust out your soap box. You in general seem to never get off yoru soap bux. That is a good reason why alot of people really don't like reading your posts. There might be other reasons why, but that is the reason I think you are really annoying.

Anyway in light of that, your free to say wahtever you want, as well as ignore each and every offender who has the audacity to put you in your place.

As a public information I had not retracted any of my comments, and I did not expect anybody to do that neither, I always had respected and still do, people because of their integrity, and never because of their rudeness, unpoliteness, and lack of sensitivity, as I could be as rude, violent and macho man as anybody else, just that as we live in society, and as part of being adults (as you call it yourslef) and humans, we should know how to control those stupid feelings that keep us a little distant from the rest of the mammals (besides of using forks and knifes to eat of course)....I just deleted my post for considering them useless to the audience, and I still feel them that way, I even requested to one of the mods to delete the whole thread, BTW initiated by me, but it seems that this won't happen, to make fun is more addictive and attractive that to keep a civilized discussion, over a civilized topic, but I still stand on all what I said before, every single of my words...just that you will not have the reference of what I said now.

BTW there are also politeness, courtesy, sensitivity as opposed to rudeness, stupidity, and also but kissing people, all together in this whole green round world, but as any intelligent person knows, some of those things could not tend to mix very well, and could not live together for so long...so I quit...

Again who wants info will get it, through the regular channels of information we officially have, no need of being harsh or rude....and I'm a friend of whomever wants to be my friend, that is one of my basic principles in life, who knows me knows that I'm a really easy going person.....but don't fuck with me, because you are fucking with the wrong bull...OK?


I think we all need a Pretzel eating contest to settle this once and for all!

But seriously dude, free speech involves the free speech of others who disagree with you too. The questions asked were in no way offensive and you really just overreacted.

And put the edit function back. >:(


As a public information I had not retracted any of my comments, and I did not expect anybody to do that neither, I always had respected and still do, people because of their integrity, and never because of their rudeness, unpoliteness, and lack of sensitivity, as I could be as rude, violent and macho man as anybody else, just that as we live in society, and as part of being adults (as you call it yourslef) and humans, we should know how to control those stupid feelings that keep us a little distant from the rest of the mammals (besides of using forks and knifes to eat of course)....I just deleted my post for considering them useless to the audience, and I still feel them that way, I even requested to one of the mods to delete the whole thread, BTW initiated by me, but it seems that this won't happen, to make fun is more addictive and attractive that to keep a civilized discussion, over a civilized topic, but I still stand on all what I said before, every single of my words...just that you will not have the reference of what I said now.

BTW there are also politeness, courtesy, sensitivity as opposed to rudeness, stupidity, and also but kissing people, all together in this whole green round world, but as any intelligent person knows, some of those things could not tend to mix very well, and could not live together for so long...so I quit...

Again who wants info will get it, through the regular channels of information we officially have, no need of being harsh or rude....and I'm a friend of whomever wants to be my friend, that is one of my basic principles in life, who knows me knows that I'm a really easy going person.....but don't fuck with me, because you are fucking with the wrong bull...OK?

I hear ya.

Actually I think your last post was pretty humble and I agree with most of it. Sometimes I come off rude, but I do it mostly for the shock value... I think you see past it and understand my points. Listen, don't let this confrontation make you wanna leave... Everyone is a hypocrite, I am all the time, and I don't try to make like I'm not. iv'e edited alot of my posts, but mostly because of the fear of getting my account deleted or causing poltiitics on headfi,b ut hear it aint the same. Here you say as you please, just don't gio back on it...

I made a really political and pretty dumb post accusing Jude of reading my PM's. I Still suspect him of that... I asked to have it deleted but Ir ealize it shouldn't be, it's somethign I did and there is no reason for me to try and hdie it.... I still standby most of my sediments there, I think most people know me as an appationate guy and realize that as I flip off on a handle I'm quick to admit my own faults. I just hope for most peopel they are willing to do the same.

Anyways, peace brotha.

and fuck spellechign, in fact guess what???




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