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Best way to get revenge on neighbor's cats without actually killling them?

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supposedly cats hate citrus, so some citrus spray or candles may help. They're most likely marking territory, so unless you get an animal of your own it will be pretty hard to get them to stop.

Maybe hooks in the balcony ceiling to hang the chairs from?


I've tried lots of things over the years and a 5 minute soak with the hose is the only one that has worked first time, every time.

Of course you have to contain the cat first, you can't set traps I see. If it comes in your house maybe you can put it under a big milk crate of something and squirt the hell out of it.

I don't consider it cruel as it won't do any lasting damage (other than to the cats desire to return) and prevents the cat getting more seriously hurt... Not by me of course, I'm against "cruelty" to animals. Or people for that matter.


Sounds fun, but cats are really stupid, I don't want attract a bunch if them and have them fight on my balcony at 3am. They usually wait until 4am to fight.

Is there any way to get them to fight to the death?


Sounds fun, but cats are really stupid, I don't want attract a bunch if them and have them fight on my balcony at 3am. They usually wait until 4am to fight.

Is there any way to get them to fight to the death?

Stop being a pussy, if you want the cats dead, poison them. And deal with the cruelty to animals charges when they come.


Way too much cat-hating in this thread, guys, can you tone it down a bit, please? I don't mind a good joke, but you're just talking violence, and that ain't funny.

I'm saying this as a member, not as a mod. It's just turning my stomach is all.

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