oicdn Posted November 8, 2007 Report Posted November 8, 2007 It's a story of sorts. If you like poker, you'll dig this. If not, you won't have any clue of wtf I'm talking about. You'll prolly give me a look like this: Before I start with the story, I knew tonight was going to be odd, cause a couple games before a lady got dealt Q, 10, 2, 5 in BOTH of her hands...that's astronomical odds there. Anyhow, on with the story. I was in class staying fresh till I get an audition. And the class that's in there now is learning/playing $2 Omaha 8 or better (hi-low). For those that like poker, but don't know how to play Omaha, it's Hold-em, but you get dealt 4 cards before the flop, but you can only use two cards, and HAVE TO use three on the board. Basically, it's hold-em, with more cards in your hand. Anyhow, we have to play two hands, so the dealer in the box has to read/deal out more hands/more practice. Also, nobody is allowed to fold, cause you're there for the dealer (it's dealer school) it gives them more hands to read, and more actions to do. So I call the blinds. So along comes the flop: There will be no low...so we're playing strictly a high game of Omaha. Yaya, no split pot possibility! Since I'm the last two hands at the table, I get to see everybody's action, and they all check, so I give them a bet of $2....everybody calls and think I have trip jacks....heh. I call with my other hand (which has the dealer button). Along comes the turn: So there are people with kings in thier hand, cause why else would you raise when everybody checks and I bet $2?....But that's still nothing like what was about to happen. Along comes the river: The guy accross the table bets $2 he has something. He still thought I had trip Jacks, but obviously thought he had me beat. Bluffing is stupid, since you can't fold in the class. All bluffing does(in this class atleast), is show what kind of player you are...you don't want that. So he had something. Remember, you can only use THREE on the board, and TWO in your hand. Naturally, he capped it out, because people were curious and kept rerasing, and got to show his hand 1st. Damn....trip aces....there's only a couple hands that beat that, because I know an Ace is in my hand....there is no Quad ace possibility. MAYBE somebody has pocket kings to make the Full house...but I know they don't, there was no check betting or anything. But he thought he had me beat, because I bet on the jacks on the board when everybody checked. Here's what I turn over in one hand: I flop over the quad jacks....table goes crazy, cause even with the amount of hands dealt at school, quad anything doesn't come up often, let alone ON THE FLOP. Let alone jacks, let alone, when he has a trip Aces... And here's what I got in the other hand: It was like straight out of a damn movie....two of the worst beats you can possibly have, I had two bad beats in one hand. But I had the two best possible hands in BOTH of my hands.....absolutely rediculous...the room was called over to watch cause I told Chaz, the instructor to come over, put his game on hold and watch this hand. It went nuts...the most rediculous ending you could have sans the unreal crap like quad aces getting beat by a royal...but this was pretty unreal as it stood. I'm still floored by the fact that I really pulled one of those hands, let alone BOTH.... --------------------------- For those that don't play poker, the odds of getting EITHER of the hands I as holding are astronomical.Even more Astronomical having the Royal of SPADES. The odds of having BOTH of those hands AT THE SAME TIME, you're odds are better getting struck by lightning THREE times...maybe I shoulda played the lotto last night. Or went to the poker room or Jasper. The jackpot in Jasper for a Royal Flush right now is $18,000....In the Poker Room, it has to be of spades, and is I think at like $30,000. I would have given the dealer a crazy tip if I won either of those jackpots....hell, I'm just lucky I had enough luck left in me to make the drive home without dying, lol. Moral of the story....tip your dealer, GOOD. You never know what you'll get dealt. Quote
aerius Posted November 8, 2007 Report Posted November 8, 2007 .::::::: .. .. :::::::.:.::::::.::c::::::::::::::::cccc:::c::::c:::::::::::cc:c:c:::.::::..c:::::::::::.:...... ... . :cccccoc ...... cccccccccccccccCo.cocoocoooocccccccccccccccccc::c:c:::::cccccccccoccc:cooocoCcooccccCoocccocccccc::::. .. :cccoooc .:.....ccc:ccccccccccc88:::cooocccccccc:::cccccccccccccococc:ccccoocccococcccoCccccoccc:cc:Coccc:cccococ::::. .. :ccccooc .:.....:::cc:cccccccco@8Cc:.:ccccccccccccccccccccccccccococccccccc:::co:cccc:cocc:cococcoccCocc:cccooco:::::. :. .cccoooc ::.....::::::cc:c:cocC@8Ooc.::coccccc::::c::cc:cccccccccccccccccccc::coc::..::::coCoccccoccCCo:.:oc:c.:::::. ... :ccccooc :......c::::c::c:c:c:888CCoCCCCCooooocc:::::::::cccccccccccoccc:ooc.:oC8Cc.:cc:::..ooccooccooc::coccccc::::. ... :ccccooc :......::ccc::c:coCCCCCCCCCCoooooooooCooooooooooooccc:::cc::cc:::cCCOCoc::::.::.:..occccCocooo::oo:cccc::c:. .:. :cccoco:.:.. ...c::ccoCOCCCCCCCCCoooooooooooooCoooooooooooooooccoooc:coCCoCOOo:..:::::cc::.:c::.:cc:::cc.:cc:c:c::::. .:. :cccccoc.:......:coOCCCCCCCCCCCCCCoooooCCCooooooooooooooooocccooc:ooCCCcOCCOoc:::ccccc:::.cCoo::oocoocc..oocc:cc:::. ... .ccccooc.::.....CCOCCCOCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCoCoooCoooooooooooooooccccocco:ocoCCCCo::ccccccc:::.coo:c:.oo:cooc:coocooocc::. .... .ccccco:.::....cOCCCCCOCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCooooooCoooooooocccccccccccc.ooCCoc:::ccccc:::::.::::::.ooccocc:ooocc::c:::. ... .ccccco:.::..:.CCCCCCCCOCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCooooooooooooocccccccccoc:C.:cCC::::cccccc:::....::.c:c:oooc:ccccooc:.cc:::. .... .:ccoooc:::..::OCoCCCCOCOOOCCCCCCCCCCCCCCooooocooocccccccccccccccoc:c:::::::ccccc:::. .o:.:ccc::ccccoccCOooc:oc::.. .... ..::::::::..:.CoCCoCCCOOCOOCCCCCCCCCCoCooooooccocccccccccocc::coo:::c::::ccc::cc:.. .: :c::..::ccoccCCoc:coc::. .... .::::.:::::c:@CCCCCCCCOOOOCCCCCCoooooooooooooccccccccccc:ccoocc::::.:::cccccc::. .:. .:....:::occOoc:..:.::. .... .:::.c::.:c:@8OoCCCCOCCCOCCCoooooooooooooooooooccccccCoccccoc ...::::::::::... .. .....:co:ooooc:co.::. ..... ..:::.:oo:o@@8C8888OOOOCCCooooooooooooCCCoCooooCocccoooc... .:.....::..:. . .. .oCcco:c:..c:::. ... c::cccooC@8@OCoccccccoooCCCCOOOCOCCCoooccccoCoc:.. .. .::..: :C88C: . . :::::c.cc::: .... :c..:ccoco88@@@OOCCCCoooocccccccoooooCCCCc. .. .:.cO8@@@888OCc:. ... :c:..:c:..:::. .... cc:. ...:co.O@@@@@88OOCCCCCCCCCCCCCoc.. ....... . .cCO88888OCCc. . . ccccoco::::.:. .... .c::cCOO8coo. . .:ccooooooc::. :. ..:.c:.. .:.cCOOOOOOOCOo. .....::ccc:::c ... ........cccoCCoCccc.::coOOOOOCCoc. .. .:.:.:::. :. . ...::coCOOOOOOOCCo: .:ccc . coooCooocc:ccccooC.:.oC@@@@888OCCc ::: .....cc: .c:. . . ..::coCCCOOOOOOCOC: . ...:cc:.. . oOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCoco.88@@@@@@@@8Oo:.:::c..:.::: c:. .. .::ooCCCCCOCOCOCOCoc .::ccccoc: c8OOOOOOOOOOOOO8Cc:@@@@@@@@@@@8c..c.c...:: .cc .. .. :cooCCCCCCCCOOCOCoo:. . ....::::.. oOOOOOO8888888OOCcco@@@@@@@@@@@@8C..:c:::::. .::::. .. . .:coCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCo:. ...:::::. 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saint.panda Posted November 9, 2007 Report Posted November 9, 2007 Wow, that's so cool. Awesome. Quote
Dusty Chalk Posted November 9, 2007 Report Posted November 9, 2007 ...If you blur your eyes, it almost looks like a bunch of ASCII text in a scrollable code window. Quote
recstar24 Posted November 9, 2007 Report Posted November 9, 2007 Cool man, I hear ya - that's some crazy stuff though, 2 handed omaha. The odds of you getting those hands are even lower than normal considering all those cards are out with everyone having 2 hands. Omaha is a pretty crazy game though, its almost like playing bingo, since you have so many different possibilities you almost tempted to play through the flop. Quote
riceboy Posted November 12, 2007 Report Posted November 12, 2007 Moral of the story....tip your dealer, GOOD. You never know what you'll get dealt. Always do . Wow that is pretty crazy. I can't believe you got dealt that. I have yet to see a royal flush in holdem while I'm playing. Thanks for sharing your story. That was pretty unreal. Can you imagine if you did do that in the Poker room? Wow. Quote
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