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There's Something Disturbing About Ultrasone...

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Hmmm... I heard the HE90 at the first national and thought it was nice too. The Omega 2's didn't impress me. I guess I'm an idiot, no agenda though. :)

Sov has been a douche for a long time. I try not to bother with douches.

Post - Does the Ed9 isolate well? Would it block out subway noise?

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Hmmm... I heard the HE90 at the first national and thought it was nice too. The Omega 2's didn't impress me. I guess I'm an idiot, no agenda though. :)

Sov has been a douche for a long time. I try not to bother with douches.

Post - Does the Ed9 isolate well? Would it block out subway noise?

It's fine to argue about technical merit but bashing based on no knowledge at all is going too far.

I love how he defends the horrible Rudistor crap without knowing what the hell he's talking about and he always has to but in despite being a MOT.


Post - Does the Ed9 isolate well? Would it block out subway noise?

Sorry I didn't answer this question earlier, I forgot you asked it. :-X

To my recollection, yes it isolates fairly well. Subway noise, not so sure. Let me run a few tests tonight and I'll let you know.

[me=postjack]wonders how he is going to get an underground train in his house[/me]


To have an opinion on a headphone you need to understand how it works? I don't know about that...

I agree, I always laugh when I see anyone going on about Rudistor amps. They are so crappy, and at that price it is inexcusable.


To have an opinion on a headphone you need to understand how it works? I don't know about that...

I agree, I always laugh when I see anyone going on about Rudistor amps. They are so crappy, and at that price it is inexcusable.

Ahh I'm sorry, I meant had used them for extended periods of time. It is possible to get a good grasp on a headphones sound in your own system in a matter of hours but that necessitates an open mind and a fairly neutral system. It's still pretty far from a through analysis of a headphones signature.

Regarding the HE90 they will impress for the first week but then you will start to notice what it is doing wrong and just how much of it is imposed on the music. The SR-007 is a bitch to get right and you need plenty of time to see what they really can do and the amp to match. Some call them picky but I wouldn't have it any other way as they motivate me to do things better and abandon common wisdom.

It's still pretty far from a through analysis of a headphones signature.
Oh, for sure. I'm with you there. I mean, I've only heard the HE90 once and I would not put it past me to romantisice the situation. ;)

The Omega 2 I've heard around 4 times at various meets on various amps and it never grabbed me... then again, I hear about lots of people who have heard the K340 multiple times and never liked them. So we can chalk it up to different preferences or just that perfect system synergy that we both seemed to have reached with our respective headphones. :)

Some call them picky but I wouldn't have it any other way as they motivate me to do things better and abandon common wisdom.
Sounds like another headphone I know.

Actually, it sounds like most of the headphones that are really good. They require time and effort to show their full potential.


Nice. Civil and brutal.

Sovkiller would not happen on postjack's forum.

You know, just off on a tangent, it seems that the personalities I take issue with on HF and elsewhere on the internet all have one thing in common: they are generally poor communicators through the written medium. They don't seem to "get" what their audience wants to hear in their tone. I'm thinking of course not just of sov but trose. The loud, obnoxious signatures, the use of multiple exclamation points at the end of every other sentence (!!), the perpetually defensive or aggressive tone: they are either always looking for threats or always lashing out at threats, real or imagined, all the while maintaining a "what, who, lil' ole me?" attitude.

You know, just off on a tangent, it seems that the personalities I take issue with on HF and elsewhere on the internet all have one thing in common: they are generally poor communicators through the written medium.
Somehow, I suspect that these people act similarly intolerant of contradicting opinions in real life, as well. Maybe they've been surrounded by yes-people for most of their lives, or their mothers would always tell them they were right, or something. Or maybe it's just too much testosterone. Either way, they're the kind of people who raise their voice when challenged, and speak in terms that don't allow for differing ... anything. I don't know...

Oh, for sure. I'm with you there. I mean, I've only heard the HE90 once and I would not put it past me to romantisice the situation. ;)

The Omega 2 I've heard around 4 times at various meets on various amps and it never grabbed me... then again, I hear about lots of people who have heard the K340 multiple times and never liked them. So we can chalk it up to different preferences or just that perfect system synergy that we both seemed to have reached with our respective headphones. :)Sounds like another headphone I know.

Actually, it sounds like most of the headphones that are really good. They require time and effort to show their full potential.

Hey you might not like and thats fine but good headphones should make us think what can be improved in the rig.

I think I need to build an Egmont with much better parts then Rudi would ever use and see what Sov thinks... ::)

You know, just off on a tangent, it seems that the personalities I take issue with on HF and elsewhere on the internet all have one thing in common: they are generally poor communicators through the written medium. They don't seem to "get" what their audience wants to hear in their tone. I'm thinking of course not just of sov but trose. The loud, obnoxious signatures, the use of multiple exclamation points at the end of every other sentence (!!), the perpetually defensive or aggressive tone: they are either always looking for threats or always lashing out at threats, real or imagined, all the while maintaining a "what, who, lil' ole me?" attitude.

I believe they're called passive-aggressive shitheads. I've long given up trying to have useful discussions with them on the 'net as it's practically impossible. I find it's far more productive for me to just abuse the whiny little shits, afterall, I might as well perscute them if they automatically presume that everyone who doesn't get in line for the circle-jerk is persecuting them.


I know, and I never ruled out your opinion, you have first hand experience with both, and that is very important, but we all hear differnetly, and evne more, we all are after different things in the music, just to mention another difference, for example, I prefer the HE90 to the Omegas by a lot, even on the Orpheus system, with no custom amp, and even though, I find the Editions very close to the HE90 in resolution, and soundstage, yes, I feel it that good, and I do not feel the same way about the Stax I have heard, none of them touches the Orpheus IMO...

Also I do not feel that the Omegas have a more natural soundstage than the Editions neither, but again that is a very personal apreciation as well...

Anyway I will try to listen them both again, to compare them side by side, to try to get more details about the differences...

BTW here is a comparison between the Stax and Edition 7, the older brother of the Editon 9, that was done some time ago (they should sound pretty much the same, so you can take this as a valid comparison as well) just to show you that I'm not alone on that regard...


here we go again...


man...it's hard to be civil with guys like sov...

Yup, that's why I'm not getting sucked in by that idiotic comment. I guess he'll say anything to further his hole digging... ::)


I really like that thread title ;D

There are really some "strange" persons rumbling in the "original thread" over at the other forum, starting with the thread starter himself.

Talking about shilling and viral marketing between members to the extreme...


Yup, that's why I'm not getting sucked in by that idiotic comment. I guess he'll say anything to further his hole digging... ::)


you gotta let me listen to your electrostats setup sometime. I've never been into o2s, but looking at your comments, I feel as if I might not have given it a fair chance.

Unlike sr-omega/he90, the o2 definitely was not a headphone that gave a great first impression. Guess getting it right it is a real b*tch.


Any time. ;D The HE90 and the SR-007 do not belong on the same system while the SR-Ω can cross the gap somewhat. The SR-007 is a real bitch but the rule to get them to sound great is pretty simple, plenty of power and remove every veil you can think off. Cables play a huge role in getting them right and only the best will do and that list doesn't include Kimber Select or Nordost Valhalla... :o

I don't find the SR-Ω all that different from my SR-007 though they are more atmospheric and rounded off with the slightest bit of bass overhang. Bloody great phones though...


The HE60 loves the Blue Hawaii and the tubes and cables I use for the SR-007 though it does also sound great out of my modded T1 where the He90 really shines. I rank the 60 higher then the 90 as it doesn't turn out ugly when faced with a really revealing system though the 90 does a lot of things better. The 90 just needs the smallest bit of synergy to really shine and that's why I'm getting an Aristaeus for it.


Hi guys, great thread going here. Just to clear up any confusion about Sovkiller (Alberto)'s relationship to Ultrasone here is a statement from the CEO of UltrasoneUSA. If anybody has any questions, feel free to PM them to me. Other than that, this should be the end of the debate on whether he is in our pocket or not. Thanks

SovKiller (or Alberto Gomez) is not and never has been ]




can you link to this thread? thanks.

Maybe I'm stretching things a bit, but to me a relationship between Rudistor and Ultrasone means that Sovkiller still has a vicarious relationship with Ultrasone, whether he wants to or not.

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