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In reference to the later post mentioning that I may elect to post a relative opinion in detail, it would seem that such an exposition is in fact an ideal way to highlight what the prospective user of the ATH-ESW9 might expect in terms of where the phone sits in terms of more generally well-known articles, be they well or poorly reviewed on headphone forums. However as I mentioned, due to time and other reasons I am notoriously bad at holding myself to a writing deadline and therefore I must decline at giving a definitive date that such a posting might appear.

Don't take too long, I'll be waiting with bated breath until such time that you grace these pages with your words of ultimate wisdom.

It's no flaw, it's a feature.

The HA5000 doubles as heater, that's normal.

Hmm, actually, now that I think of it - could it be because I'm using a 230V to 110V voltage regulator that it's running hot(ter)? The amp is rated for 100V...


I guess he who laughs last, etc. Tell you what - buy yourself the much-crapped-over (by all at Head-Fi and probably here) Triport, take a comparative listen with the ESW9 and we'll see who's the jackass after the sequence and tone of posts, shall we ;)

Meanwhile, the review might actually have started. It's 2 years since I reviewed the ES7 too. Seems like yesterday.


Hey, how much of a jackass that you look to me right now - wading into a thread with opinions expressed that you're defending / attacking that you have no experience of yourself - is entirely up to you.

A link to the review will be posted when it's up.


I haven't expressed an opinion on the gear. I'm not interested in the category even. But you're showing up talking like we should bow before you.

Hey, how much of a jackass that you look to me right now - wading into a thread with opinions expressed that you're defending / attacking that you have no experience of yourself - is entirely up to you.

A link to the review will be posted when it's up.


As I said, the review is on it's way. Which is more than I can STFU.

I could care less about the review, what I want is for you to back up your claim that grawk offered an opinion about the gear, which you claimed he did.

Oh, but I'm afraid you did.


I have never made a serious post about the bose, and have never mentioned the ESW9 prior to right this second.

So, my only contribution to this thread was to say you're acting like that guy with the stick in his ass. I continue to believe that.


My personal take on my ESW9 is that it has a very good tonal character that I enjoy and I have enjoyed it from the beginning. The extension on the bass and high frequencies is also very good. It has some weaknesses but the overall character of this headphone for the music that listen too is much in line with the best of the Audio Technica headphones in my opinion and therefore it is probably a bargain for the price in the AT line of past and present AT headphones.


Any Team AT members going to buy the ATH-A900ti and compare it with the other ATH-A900/A950s? Elephas? =\ I'm really curious what this one is like but it seems like no one bought it yet.


Hey! o_O I don't know why you're getting agitated, I appologize in advance if I offended you... I was just wondering.. I mean no harm >.< spare me. I haven't completely read all the posts yet so I don't know what's going on. Can someone fill me in?


He's getting an A900ti in the futuer.
Yup, pretty much -- I have a A950Ltd, and will be getting an A900Ti in the near future. I thought pretty highly of the A950Ltd -- I like 'em better than the W5000, except the W5000 case is a lot nicer -- sorry to see you're selling yours. Yeah, sorry, I just thought since you were posting in this thread, you'd seen that that's what's going on.

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