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Throw out some suggestions please.

Room: Approx 10m x 10m x 7m with split level - system will be located within covered area

Floor: Slate

Walls: Very thick 'smart' glass on three sides, concrete on other

Treatment: None planned

Transport: PC, dCS Scarlatti stack

Amp: ML 32 + 33H

Budget: None


10m x 10m? Slate? Glass? Concrete? Yeezh. Good luck with that. At least put some bass busters in the corners, but really, you need some wall-rugs and carpeting.

I would go for something soft-ish, like a cloth-dome tweeter, such as those in the Spendor S3/5, or perhaps a Vandersteen/Vanderstene/however it's spelled. The 5A was picked by Robert Harley as the >US$2K speaker he would buy if he had to live with it, in the most recent issue of Absolute Sound. You might also want to look at Nearfield Acoustics' Pipedreams, they're supposed to reduce the effect of the room.

...and a dCS Scarlatti stack? I hate you.*

*Not literally, it's just an expression of envy.

PS What are Jupiters?


Yeah, I drooled over the Bishops for a long time, until I found out they had quality control issues with them (which are supposedly fixed with the Chimeras, from the same source that I learned that from -- namely the company itself). So yeah, get them.

i'm going to just recommend Thiels :)
PS What are Jupiters?
Duevel Audio Jupiter loudspeakers? Equinox Audio Jupiter loudspeakers? Jupiter Audio Ganymede loudspeakers? Whut?

10m x 10m? Slate? Glass? Concrete? Yeezh. Good luck with that. At least put some bass busters in the corners, but really, you need some wall-rugs and carpeting.

I would go for something soft-ish, like a cloth-dome tweeter, such as those in the Spendor S3/5, or perhaps a Vandersteen/Vanderstene/however it's spelled. The 5A was picked by Robert Harley as the >US$2K speaker he would buy if he had to live with it, in the most recent issue of Absolute Sound. You might also want to look at Nearfield Acoustics' Pipedreams, they're supposed to reduce the effect of the room.

...and a dCS Scarlatti stack? I hate you.*

*Not literally, it's just an expression of envy.

PS What are Jupiters?

It's actually not for me. A friend has moved into a new place - which is very nice indeed but he does have a lot of the stark minimalist thing going on.

The audio setup is new, and after picking the rest of the gear I gave him my spare Duevel Jupiters to play with, but the omnis just sound... well, weird in that setting. He's still using it but something else is really in order. It may be some room treatment is also in order, but the architect will probably be against it. I don't need reviews but just wanted some options I can throw at him, optionally the architect. Maybe decor-neutral room treatment suggestions as well. The house is still a work in progress.

Thanks for the mention of the Chimera, a good reminder I hadn't thought about yet. I was offered an audition but I ruled it out for myself at the time. Something along the likes of this, or more maybe, is the kind of recommendation I'm after. Not hulking things, but practically usable high-end speakers.

*Just to keep the green factor going though I am also replacing my Elgar Plus/Verona combo with the Scarlattis. No transport though anymore - it's all going to be PC based.


They look pretty nice overall. Depending on the cabinet choice the look might suit the room nicely. It's not a good sign that the first hit for a review is 6moons ;D but I won't put that against them.

I'll contact them about London dealers.

...omnis just sound... well, weird in that setting.
Yeah, I imagine so. The environment does not sound conducive to omnis at all. I would pick a very directional speaker, and listen to them nearfield if possible, midfield if nothing else. Focal Utopia Be series? I suspect that room could handle the Alto, or perhaps the Diva, if you want to cut out a couple thou.
I don't need reviews but just wanted some options I can throw at him, optionally the architect.
Wait, you want to throw the architect at him? Oh! You want ideas to throw at the architect.
Maybe decor-neutral room treatment suggestions as well.
Ethan Winer:

...on acoustics

...on building a better bass trap

his forum

[me=Dusty Chalk]is greener, though his text is red (and read, for that matter)[/me]

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